WOO HOO Wednesday WLS Express

Alissa A.
on 5/3/11 8:10 pm - Keller, TX
Alissa A.
on 5/3/11 8:18 pm - Keller, TX
Just heard that gas will hit $4 a gallon this week. UGH! I ended up running errands and taking care of things that I thought wouldn't take long but ended up taking a long time yesterday. I had PT in the afternoon too. So I didn't get to work. Thankfully I didn't have a lot planned. Today I'm off to the TCC downtown campus for a meeting. Its a beautiful building but I hate driving downtown. Am hoping a coworker will drive instead.

We are driving to New Braunfels this weekend. Chris's grandma (my late husband's mom) has Altzheimers and isn't doing well. She is selling some things, including her computer so we're going to go get it for Chris but more importantly let him visit with her. It will be a busy trip down Friday eve and back Sat eve.

I hope everyone has a great day today!
on 5/4/11 10:07 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Good Morning ! Off again today, Lots of running around today! Eating well with no tummy issues. Migrain meds mixed with sleep meds making me have lte night munchies so going to get fruit prepped for late night grazing. Any suggestions on late night leg cramps. Have had my labs done and potassium fine. Cant drink tonic water at night due to carbonation...any other ideas???
Go out and make it a great day!
Don 1962
on 5/3/11 8:38 pm

Nothing exciting from here.  Work and clean up after the fur child. 

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

(deactivated member)
on 5/3/11 8:43 pm - GA
Good morning everyone...

Even though I am up early, I am taking the day off.  I have two Drs. appts...recheck on an appt. that I had earlier this year, and B-12 shot, as well as bloodwork for ferratin level and B-12 level.  I just want to make sure that these levels are in check.  Between appts, I will be getting some things done around the house.  Tonight going to a fundraiser for the Ms. Tornado victims.  This one is being sponsored by the Atlanta Alumni chapters of Ms. State, Ole Miss, and Southern Ms.  I did go to the one for Alabama last Saturday, but I didnt see anyone I knew...so I left.  Just another busy day...it is so nice to be able to take a day off in the middle of the week, ya know.

Make it a great day!
Karla Lewis
on 5/3/11 8:43 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning. Hopebyou have a safe trip to NB this weekend Alissa. I'm sorry to hear about Chris' grandma.

I have a day full of ARD meetings including one for a student at TSBVI. I could use you today Alissa! They've faxes lots of paperwork, hopefully we have everything. It will take a while to do this one. My morning will fly by because I have 4 just this morning.

Ben came home for the rest of the week. Classes are over and he doesn't have finals until Monday. He's planning on studying at home since it's quiet here all day.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Saundra P.
on 5/4/11 12:46 am - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

Jumping on late this morning, laid in bed till the last minute.  Only thing on my agenda is work and going to the grocery store.  DH came home a few minutes ago well, he thinks it's the new medicine the doctor is having him try.  He plans to go back once he feels better.  If I am lucky maybe he will feel better in time to take me out of lunch.

Hope everyone has a good day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Phyllis M.
on 5/4/11 1:31 am - Irving, TX
good morning everyone !!

I'm so sorry to hear about Chris' Grandma......safe travels to you all...(((((Huggs))))))))

Not much planned for me -  i need to get my butt in gear -  realizing that I don't have much in my closet that I can wear at this point..........that is not a whoo hoo moment either !!  
I'm losing quite a bit of hair - so I think that I may need to get labs checked but I know what I haven't been doing and well -   with that having been said.......  Gotta get you all back in my lives and in my heart again - because I don't want to gain all my weight back......
Life happens and it has gotten the best of me in the past few months.......I'm feeling better mentally - so thats a good thing !! 

Luv you all !! 
  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




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