Alissa A.
on 5/9/11 7:58 pm - Keller, TX
GOOD MORNING! Its National Clean Your Room day! So, in honor of that-which room in your house needs the most help? Do you have a junk/gift/catch all room? They say a cluttered home makes for a cluttered life. I'm not sure. Please weigh in on this matter!
Alissa A.
on 5/9/11 8:06 pm - Keller, TX
Morning everyone! Did you all catch the news yesterday or today about Dallas Weims-the first face transplant recipient? He came to our week long training in October and I was so impressed by him then. He had no face at the time, of course. But now he looks incredible. It is just simply amazing! He even has eyebrows which I thought was really neat. I watched the live first press conference on the computer with his VR Counselor. The only thing I didn't like about this is they said that although he is blind doctors are hopeful one day they can fix his remaining eye. Generally that means calls to us from other consumers asking about it. He was badly burned by an electrical current.

Now, clutter- our catch all room is def the office. It is just looking awful right now. Bryan cleaned it about a year ago but we're all guilty of just putting things in the computer room. Its where I have a chest of drawers that I keep extra gifts in too. For me a cluttered room means clutter life so I generally call myself the queen of anti-clutter. I just kind of ignore the office. lol.

I hope everyone has a great day today!!!
on 5/9/11 8:28 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Well I am up but not atem! Grouchy pouch so taking easy with the food today and eating light!liquid protein and soft food are on the menu  today. 6 days till vaca!

(deactivated member)
on 5/9/11 8:31 pm - GA
Right now my house is not cluttered, as I have my house on the market.  I have decided to keep it on the market at least until 09/30 cause the winter here is a very 'dead' time to sell a house.  If I have a 'cluttered' room right now, it might be the laundry room...things get stuck on the dryer, and dont seem to move from there.

Hopefully today clients will start responding to messages, emails, etc about missing info needed to complete their tax return.  That would be a very good thing, as I probably have 15-18 tax returns in my office needing to be completed.

Go out and make it a great day.
Karla Lewis
on 5/9/11 9:00 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning. I clutter my dining table and my guest bedroom. Thank heavens they have to be picked up every so often!

Have to process folders at work today. Sr. Honors Night at the high school tonight. I'll be going to watch my niece, Brooke.

Have a good day!


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Don 1962
on 5/9/11 9:30 pm
Tend to keep up with things as I go along but the store room off the garage could use some TLC but the offce at work!  That is another story.  We flat don't have the room for three or four of us to work out of there plus keep all the stuff we keep in there.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Saundra P.
on 5/9/11 11:28 pm - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

I have been working on de-cluttering but am not there yet.  We have a ledge that seem to be the catch all.  I  have small spots of clutter in every room but much improvement from two years ago. I am working on a place for everything.  The garage is packed as I move stuff out there plus SIL has a lot of her crap out there.  We had it all cleaned and organized at one time but it only lasted a couple of months.  She is suppose to be having a garage sale. My next goal is to get DH to go through his side of the closet and get rid of the cloths he don't wear, his side is crammed full. 

Work is on the agenda today then Sunday school class meeting is tonight. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Alissa A.
on 5/10/11 5:47 am - Keller, TX
I do the closet cleaning thing a few times a year. The kidney foundation picks them up on my doorstep. When Chris was gone I pulled everything out and tossed or donated a lot of old stuff he never used. I'd like to find someone having a garage sale because I don't have enough on my own to sell.
Saundra P.
on 5/10/11 8:37 am - Mesquite, TX

The kidney foundation and leukemia society call at least once a week if not more which I have pretty much given them all my clothes I can no longer wear.  I did tell DH that if he didn't go through his side I would not to whine when he can't  find something he wanted to wear.

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Phyllis M.
on 5/10/11 5:29 am - Irving, TX

EVERY ROOM ............We won't talk about the child's room.......the door stays closed !!

But with 2 cats, a dog, 2 other people in my 750 sq foot apt - there isn't much room for anything-  There isn't a corner that doesn't have something or furniture there including dust bunnies !!!

But my room,  folding table seems to catch everything - next to computer- it is my craft area, bill area - computer area.....you name it -  it gets it........and the kitchen table.  WE don't even eat at the table for it is surrounded by boxes, extra paint, tools, lunch stuff for the week - paper towels and kitty food -  to keep the dog out of the cat food during the day - the kitties eat on top of the table.  Oh we clean it off - 1x or 2x a year........YEAR     or if we want to play a game with company - but other than that - I don't get any company........too small of living qtrs and really just too unorganized to do much..............Cant wait for brother to go North for several months - IF he still plans to do so....................I want my apartment back to myself again !!  I miss having the privacy. 
  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




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