Halloween WLS Express

Gina 21 Years Out
on 10/30/11 7:39 pm - Burleson, TX

Happy Halloween..and..err..Monday...weekend sure flew by...

We went to an high school alumni party Saturday night-lots of fun. Richard won "funniest" costume for his "Gumby" and I got "most original" for my "Victorian lady" outfit. I love Victorian clothes-they hide lots of "stuff"!

I had planned to do alot, around the house yesterday, but the "toxic punch" from Sat night, kinda derailed my plans...it was a slow, quiet day instead...I slept TOO much-thus I was up at 3am today. watchiing "The Graduate"...I'll be humming "Mrs. Robinson" in my head all day....

Will have busy day at work, no doubt, then have some "mileage" planned, with Corbin, then home to face the trick or treaters. I already put the candy in little loot bags, so won't be tempted to "eat one here and there".

Are you dressing up today? I'm wearing my Victorain stuff-for once I may stay WARM in the office!!

Hope you have a GREAT, GREAT day!!!!

Gina AKA Nurse Diva

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Don 1962
on 10/30/11 8:21 pm
Ghould Morning Gina,

I get to go to work dressed as a police officer today!!  

Split days off and I will need to learn to get along.  I'm beat after the weekend.  Got out and mowed the vast majority of my yard yesterday afternoon and will hopefully get the rest done when I get in from work today.  Fingers crossed that it will be the last time for a while that it has to be mowed.

Watch out for the witches and gobblins roaming the streets this evening!! 

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Karla Lewis
on 10/30/11 9:34 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning. No costume for me today. I have to work. They don't let us play at school. Will be passing out candy for a few trick or treaters tonight. I'm looking forward to my title AIDEN COMING BY IN HIS DRAGON COSTUME.

Oops...didn't mean to use caps and shout...key stuck.

Prayers for Dana and her family.

Meggie...hope your mom is getting better or comfortable.

happy birthday Que!

Have a good day everyone.


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Gina 21 Years Out
on 10/30/11 10:46 pm - Burleson, TX
KARLA-looking forward to seeing a pic of Dragon Aiden. My Brayden is sticking to his "cop" theme-I think he's been in some time of police work every Halloween-this these he's a "SWAT officer". Not sure what my Ayden (3 months) and my Emma (1 month) will be-besides ADORABLE, of course!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Phyllis M.
on 10/31/11 12:23 am - Irving, TX

((((((((HUGGS))))))))))))))))  HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!

I heard the funniest thing this morning on KLUV (Jody Dean and the Morning Team)
He says that "it shouldn't be too scary today for everyone........The scariest part was left on the field in Philadelphia at last nights' Cowboy/Eagles  Game ! "            Okay -well to me it was funny !!   OIY - that was something - I couldn'****ch it   about mid-2qtr - I turned it and watched the DVR'd stuff...and then made cookies for our "table" today...

Not much planned for me today........work........we have a table of goodies here in the office that we have set up for everone else to enjoy.    I came armed with my meat and cheese - and so I won't be too tempteed.    The one girl made "ghosts" out of a peanut butter nutty buddy - dipped in white chocolate and then 2 mini  choc chips for the eyes -    they are sooooooooo cute !!
I should have brought my camera.

Ya'all have a ghostly of a time today and tonight with the trick or treaters !!   (((((Huggs)))))))
to All

FYI:  Cindy Mc.....posted last night on FB that her mother suddenly took a turn for the worse and passed away yesterday evening - afternoon.    My thoughts and prayers certainly go to her and her family !!!  

TTYL -  gotta get head down to the nitty gritty - after all I was  15 min late !!   
  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




on 10/31/11 12:36 am - DFW, TX
Hey You Guys! 
I'm at work although I'd rather be snuggling with my Blake. He woke up a few times last night. I don't think he was feeling great. At four when he got up I noticed he was wheezing so he got a breathing treatment. At 7 he sounded OK so I took him to the babysitters and I came to work. We've all had the sniffles due to the weather changing back and forth. I'm hoping that it hasn't settled in his chest now. I'll call the sitters in a minute and check on him.
Friday night my school had a Fall Festival thing. I helped sell tickets for a bit. Afterwards I took Chase and Blake to dinner. It was nice having some boy time with two of my favorite guys. Saturday was volleyball games for Bailey all day, then we had to set up Boo Bash. We set up the petting zoo- other than a few rabbits we had the entire zoo, fences and all. The FFA made $502 in 2 hours so I guess it was worth it. Yesterday Dirk took Blake grocery shopping so I could sleep in a bit then we did some animal and barn work. I came in and showered and went shopping. I ended up buying the diaper bag I've been wanting so all is good in my world. It's a Disney Petunia Pickle Bottom. Part of the cost gets donated to Unicef. It's Disney and it's PPB so I'm thrilled. I bought a different style than my last two PPB's and so far this one is my favorite.  

We're going to Dirk's aunt's house for her annual chili dinner. We may take Blake to some friend's houses for trick-or-treating in his Horse costume if he's feeling OK. Otherwise we'll just stay home and let him rest if he's not feeling well.
Prayers for Dana. Prayers for Meggie's mom.
Love you guys!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney 

on 10/31/11 12:54 am - DFW, TX


The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney 

Alissa A.
on 11/1/11 10:44 am - Keller, TX
What a cutie!!!
Saundra P.
on 10/31/11 3:10 am - Mesquite, TX
Hello TMB,

Jumping on late today, I have the day off and had planned to doing some shopping and stuff around the house but my Dad had to go to the ER last night so I drove down to Sulphur Springs about 2 this morning,  he has pneumonia so they admitted him. 

Plan to leave the hospital in a couple of hours to head home and will be stopping at Walmart since I have not gotten candy to pass out tonight.  I generally get over 100 kids and not to many houses pass out candy so I want to make sure I have some to give out.  I made cookies last night for my nephews to put in the loot bag I make special for them and I am sure stuff at Walmart will jump in my basket to add to their bag.

Have a great day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Laura in Texas
on 11/1/11 7:42 pm
LOVE your new avi, Gina!!

Halloween was fun. I love dressing up with my kids now that I'm thinner (I posted a pic on my profile). Now I need to get rid of the candy before I eat it all!!  


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

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