Tuesday WLS Express

Alissa A.
on 12/12/11 6:43 pm - Keller, TX
Good morning everyone! Time to board the train for terrific Tuesday!
Alissa A.
on 12/12/11 7:03 pm - Keller, TX
Morning from the grand San Angelo Inn and Conference Center. lol. Its not a bad place, its older but clean and comfy-full sized couch and desk. And, since its the only hotel in San Angelo that offers the state rate, that's where I stay. Oil money around here has caused hotels to get pricey. I'm here till tomorrow around noon. Then we'll drive back. My boss David is here with me and staying across the hall, which is a bit weird. No wild parties for me I guess. haha.

Hope everyone has a great day. Prayers for all that need them. Love ya'll
Gina 21 Years Out
on 12/12/11 7:19 pm - Burleson, TX

Good morning, ALISSA and all. Can't recall if I have ever been to San Angelo, but I don't think so. Try to squeeze in a little fun-even with the boss nearby!

I got up way too early again..02:00 today..really need to stop doing that..I get alot of "busy work done", but I'm wiped out by noon, which makes for a tough afternoon! Tonight I'm going to the Dallas Methodist party, with JANET S. The support group leader. Tammy, whom so many of you know-and vice versa-is the one who helped me thru the half marathon-and the one who invited me to the party. I feel kinda silly going to THEIR party, but she insisted, so, I'm getting out of my comfort zone, and staying out past dark..

Prayers and (((HUGS))) all the way around--so glad I have y'all to share them with...

Here's wishing you a TERRIFIC day!!!!

Gina AKA Nurse Diva

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

on 12/12/11 8:00 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Give Tammya bigold hug for me. So wish I could be there but I have to work. You will have a grand time!!

Don 1962
on 12/12/11 7:19 pm

Can remember going down therefrom Abilene to watch the Oilers doing two-a-days and a date or two.  Remember eating at a couple of really good steak houses there.  John Zettner's, John Zettner's Daughter's and Western Sky I think were the names.  When they brought out the meat on pizza plates - Nirvana!

Vivian, like Phyllis, when I scrolled over and saw the little pair of shoes I got it.  Again congrats.

Work is only thing on the docket for today.

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Saundra P.
on 12/12/11 9:26 pm - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

It is a terrific Tuesday as I am off today.  I have a busy day planned doing Christmas shopping, visiting Dad to work on getting his Christmas cards in the mail.  Then when DH gets off work we are heading to Shreveport for a couple of days.

Hope everyone has a great day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Vivian Prouty
on 12/12/11 9:29 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Good Morning Alissa and TMB,

I am SO excited about the coming grandbaby.   Yesterday I was out almost all day long looking fior maternity clothes for my DIL.    My DIL's clothes are getting alittle tight already.    I have a busy day today.   Sometime today I have to bake a fresh apple cake for my oldest son to take to work tomorrow.   I also have to go to Teen Challenge tonight.   One of the men is graduating.   It's really very exciting seeing how God has transformed their lives.    The man graduating is in his early 40's with 4 children and from San Antonio.    Not much else going on in my life.  Prayers for Meggie, Jenn D, Dana, Michelle, and everyone else who has lost a loved one and this is their first without them.    Prayers also for all unspoken prayers.    Thank you for everyone congratulating me yesterday.  I was told by my son not to tell till today but when I saw him announce it on FB that gave me the 
"green light" to share the news.   LOL   Have a blessed day today.

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Alissa A.
on 12/12/11 11:05 pm - Keller, TX
Some Old Navy's have maternity clothes including the outlet at Grapevine Mills mall. My sister got some good deals there. That and a few good sales at Motherhood Maternity.
on 12/12/11 9:43 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Good morning, still just trying to take it one day at a time. Still having more bad than good days and trying very hard to turn that around. Thought good sis would be here for Christmas so we could have one last family Christmas, however her husband has decided it is best for my sister to take a break andgo to his families for the Christmas holiday!

Work is just too much somedays and yesterday I just couldnt get through it and I was granted the rest of the day off. Really tried to get it together but just could not stop crying and it was very embaressing to me and i felt i wasembarrassing the company. They were very understanding.

Today looks much brighter. I have plans to spend Christmas morning with family friends who wanted to spend the morning with us. 

Getting gifts wrapped and cards done. Not doing a lot of either but i keep plugging away at it and working at sending death announcement cards and thank you notes for peoples generosity.

Thanks for yalls care and love.

on 12/13/11 1:35 am - Allen, TX
 Whether you know it or not it is your strength that has given me some.  I have been feeling so alone in my greif and then out of the blue I came here.  It was the first day you had posted about your greif.  It gave me strength and the realization that sharing is better than keeping it in.  We are both going through some rough stuff right now.  It feels at times like I can't go one more day acting normal and I too will have a mini breakdown and start over the next day or next hour whichever comes first.  I just wanted you to know where our pain and sorrow may come from a diffrent place, we share some of the same reactions, i get it.  WE will get through this.  One day at a time.
Love always,
I'm not perfect but I'm me and that is good enough!

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