Wacky Wednesday WLS Express

Alissa A.
on 12/13/11 8:57 pm - Keller, TX
Morning! What's the wackiest thing someone has said to you now that you've lost weight? Or what's the wackiest food you now crave? Share a wacky story today!
Alissa A.
on 12/13/11 9:03 pm - Keller, TX
Good morning from San Angelo-actually its not good. I have had 2 bad nights of sleep here. They have sleep number beds and they're NOT comfortable. It didn't matter what number I picked. The bed was saggy in the middle. I ended up on the couch for part of each night. I wor****il 11 or so today and then will drive back. Since I drove all the way down, I'm hoping my boss will drive back.
I'm going to go to the foot spa Le Moore told me about on Friday. They do reflexology and give you a neck, arm, hand, and head massage too. Cannot wait.

wacky foods- well, I craved chips and salsa for a while- which doesn't sound that weird but I wanted them in the morning for breakfast. Weird I know. Then I went through a ranch style beans for breakfast phase. I don't like traditional breakfast foods-cereal or eggs- so I have never eaten anything real normal for breakfast.

Hope everyone has a great day today!
Susan T.
on 12/13/11 10:11 pm - Waco, TX
Good morning!!  Two days, or is it three, in a row!  A trend has begun!!  :)  Now, I'm wondering what's up with everyone else?  I'm the first rider on the train today?  UNREAL! Everyone else must have slept in this morning.  LOL

So, wacky story....  It was a few months after having my surgery and one of my hubby's co-workers first scolded me for eating a cup of soup.  Um, hello?  It's a slider food and it was mostly liquid...whatever.  Anyway, after the scolding, he proceeded to ask me if I was going to have the surgery reversed once I lost my weight so I could "eat normally" again.  Of course, I looked at him like he was a total and complete idiot.....and then I slowly said, "Um, they don't do that...." and he responded "Sure they do.  I've heard of lots of people having it done..."  At that point I gave up... 

Hoping for a good day for everyone.  MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!!!!
Susan   Cheeleader Jump 

Vivian Prouty
on 12/13/11 10:30 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Good Morning Alissa, Susan and TMB family,

I did oversleep a little bit this AM.    I am usually up by 5:30 or 6 and today it was 6:30.   I guess one of the wackiest things that someone said to me was probably when I was a year post op and went to a choir concert at my youngest son's high school.   One of his friends who I guess had NOT seen me since my WLS argued with me that I could NOT be Caleb's Mom that I did NOT look like her.   LOL  Thaat was pretty wacky.   I crave cheese now.    Not sure that it is wacky but I can't get enough cheese.   Doesn't matter what kind as long as it is cheese.   LOL   Today is going to be a laid back kind of day today.    Not sure what I am going to do...but I do have laundry facing me.    Prayers for everyone in need.   I found out last night that I may NOT get to spend Christmas with my middle son who is in Teen Challenge.   I am NOT happy about that AT ALL !!!   I am praying really hard that they do allow familys to come and spend time with them.    Afterall....Christmas IS a time for families.    Have a blessed day and if your out driving drive safely.    Rain ALL OVER the DFW area.    Drive safely Alissa.    Have a great day.

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 12/13/11 10:43 pm - TX
Good Morning Friends!

It's a full day at work for me today. The students are beginning to pack and head home after finals so the campus is slowly becoming less lively.

As a newbie (I'm 7 weeks post op) I haven't had anything wacky yet but Vivian's post sure makes me look forward to it! I would love for someone to argue with me that I don't look like the person I used to be! How awesome is that!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
on 12/13/11 10:55 pm - DFW, TX
Hey You Guys!

hmmm...off the top of my head I can't think of anything wacky that anyone has said to me right now. As far as food, I crave salt but that's about it I guess. I'll have to think on the things people have said part. 

Nothing too exciting going on in my world. Lots of activity especially with having an 11 month old. Everything is good! I need to start wrapping presents soon. Kaylee flies home next Wednesday so I am excited about that. I bought her airline ticket for spring break too. Gotta get in as much Kaylee time as possible! Chase comes home on Friday for a few weeks. It will be nice having him around. In a year and a half he'll be done with his bachelor's degree so I'm not sure what the future holds with his living arrangements beyond that.

Hope everyone has an awesome day! 

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney 

Don 1962
on 12/13/11 11:11 pm

No whacky food cravings, other than SF Blue Bell Bullets, but I have had several episodes of people who have known me for years re-introducing themselves to the "new" me when we meet back up again!  Can recall two in particular.  One was the local Sheriff when I was over there to test with his agency a couple of years ago.  The other was a former "client" who told me I had "lost my intimidation factor" since losing weight.   

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Saundra P.
on 12/13/11 11:11 pm - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

I am boarding the train from Shreveport this morning, DH and I came down last night and spending two days at the Eldorado, we got the suite and have to say it's the nicest room / suite I have every stayed in.  The room as three toilets.

Today agenda is gambling and then dressing up for dinner tonight which give me an excuse to wear the diamond earrings DH got me for my Birthday, I notice coming in last night the casino next door I now qualify for the 1/2 price buffet. since this is the big 5-0. 

Can't think of any wacky things people have said just typical don't lose any more weight. I do crave asparagus and frozen banana slices, not together tho.

Have a great day1

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

on 12/14/11 1:38 am - Allen, TX
Good Morning all, making me think in the morning before my coffee is just wrong. Lol. The only thing I can think of that I can never get enough of is coffee. No weird food stuff except I hated Rasberry flavor before surgery and now I love it. I find that strange. No weird things said to me regarding WLS that I can think of anyway. Today is my Friday. It is just a two day weekend but it is still time off. Maybe I will actually get the laundry done. Happy Hump day to everyone else!
I'm not perfect but I'm me and that is good enough!

on 12/14/11 1:57 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 09/09/08 with
Happy Hump Day!

The wackiest thing I've been told actually was said by my mother when I told her I was having WLS.  I have one sister and she was always the thin, outgoing, and girly one.  When I told my mom about the surgery her response was "Now I'll have two perfect daughters."  I couldn't believe it came out of her mouth. 

It has been a busy week for me so far and doesn't look like it will be slowing down till Christmas.  Friday is my sisters birthday, have to do all my Christmas shopping this weekend and bake a lot of cookies/biscotti for co worker gifts for my husband and I.  Looking forward to the 4 day weekend next week.

Have a great day everyone
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