"Well, if you can't handle the preop, you shouldn't have the surgery..."

on 5/5/11 2:43 am - LA
My surgery is May 25th, a mere 20 days away, and I don't want to gain any weight before then. BUT it has been a challenge! I have been trying to acquire some of the eating habits that will soon take over my life, and I have failed....miserably...And then I found myself doubting my abilities to do what I'm supposed to do AFTER surgery. I mean, mentally, I feel I'm ready. I understand the ramifications of surgery and that AFTER surgery, I will be restricted to what I can eat.....but NOW, I'm not restricted, and I'm finding it so difficult to practice self control especially knowing that soon, I'll be very limited to what and how much I can eat (which I am actually excited about!!). Now, some would say, "Well, if you can't handle the preop, you shouldn't have the surgery..." While I sorta resent those comments, I can't help but wonder if they are right. But my mind is telling me that I CAN do this WITH the HELP of my TOOL which is why I'm getting this done in the first place. If I COULD do this without the sleeve, I'd already be at 150lbs and happy! To my credit, I do measure my intake, I've cut sodas and tea out of my diet, and I'm doing my best to increase my water, protein intake, and decrease the carbs. The 11th marks the actual 2 week preop stages of my diet. At that point, I will have no more time to play around and cheat. I do want this. I will achieve my weight loss goals and NSV because after WLS, I will have no more excuses. It's either make it work or remain the same size...and that's not an option!
on 5/5/11 2:52 am - Silver Spring, MD
If we could do this the traditional way then none of us would even need to get this surgery!. You are fine and just going through pre-op emotional stress. Stay positive and keep practicing but remember there is a reason why the VSG is so successful--the removal of the Ghrelin hormone! Trying to eat little portions with a pre-op belly--HA! Its tough. Remember we are all here to support one another.
on 5/5/11 2:59 am - OH
I had all of the same fears, but that is exactly why we need the VSG.  I'm 17 days out and I can honestly say I have not one bit of hunger.  In fact I would be far happier if I didn't have to force myself to get some liquids and calories in.  I am amazed that this is possible.  I've always been a food lover and the more the better.  I still have some of that head hunger where things look great and I wish I could have them, but it is early still for me and I wouldn't dream of taking a bite.  Imagine that!!!  Stay positive and you will do great!  Don't doubt yourself, we've all been there.    But try really hard to stick to the 2 week pre-op.  It really will make your surgery safer and easier on you and the surgeon!
on 5/5/11 6:38 am
Seconding this comment! I'm the same way!

Also: Hi sleeve sister!
diane S.
on 5/5/11 2:54 am
i think you have shown the resolve it takes to be successful at this. you will understand better on the other side. lots of folks are less than perfect in the preop stage - i know some people who had food parties and gained weight before. the main thing is to be mentally ready to accept the changes and if you are ready to trade away junk food for a slim body and a healthy life, you will succeed. if you want to have your cake and eat it too, you will be less successful. but i think you have the right attitude and know what to expect and thats the main thing. you are gonna win.   GL  diane

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on 5/5/11 2:56 am
I had to take a 3 month class for my HMO. We were weighed weekly, and had to lose between 5 to 10 % of our body weight to qualify for surgery. Losing weight before your surgery will make your liver smaller, and make your surgery easier for you, and your recovery easier too. Yes, it's hard. But it's hard afterwards too. And people can and do find ways to sabotage their sleeve, and excuses for doing it. You gotta get your head into a place where you really WANT to do this, because the surgery will change the shape and size of your tummy, but it doesn't change where your 'head' is toward staying on your program.

I know it's hard. Been there, doing that ! But you CAN do it !!!

Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 5/5/11 2:58 am
What you are feeling is completely normal.  Pre-op we all have the same thoughts run through our head. Some of us are tough and hit it hard right from the get-go and some of us feel we need to enjoy our big ol tummies while we can because, thank the lord, after surgery we can never, ever eat like we did pre-op.  You are doing what is right for you. I too cut some of the unnecessary items out of my diet before I really had to do the pre-op diet BUT I didn't cut it all because I was at this tug of war with starting my new life now or starting it when I started the pre-op diet.  My DH is going through the same exact thing right now, he will hopefully have surgery next month and right now he has the "I am gonna eat while I can" attitude which is okay.  Just because you aren't serious yet, doesn't mean that you won't be getting serious post-op. 
 HW-304 / SW- 286 / CW-198.25 / GW-170
on 5/5/11 2:58 am - MD
 I had a tough time pre-op. But honestly after the surgery I'm not hungry. I have no desire to eat food right now. My Surgeon wil probably introduce eggs and fish in another week or so. But as far as being all liquid for 9 days now really hasn't been an issue.

So don't worry too much. I think you'll be fine.
on 5/5/11 3:00 am
With me, there would have been no way in heck I could have even started to do this pre-op. I used to go to McDonalds and order 10 bucks worth of food and plow through it in 10 minutes. Now, as I sit here chewing on a chicken leg quarter from a BBQ benefit, I have spent 45 minutes and the drum stick is still staring at me for a late afternoon snack...

Pre-op it is do difficult to realize and understand the amount you will eat and be more than satisfied with post op. I think that is why so many of my family and friends still look at me like I am sick and dying while I eat. But I am losing weight, getting in everything I am required to get it to maintain my health and am well on my way to a healthy lifestyle.

Basically, don't beat yourself up as a pre-op if you aren't perfect...post op you'll have plenty of chances to make the right decisions.

Oh and for me, and I think many of us, the 'bad' things like sugary foods and sodas, tea, etc, make me sick to my stomach and have forced them to be completely undesirable. That has been teh best thing so far second to the weight loss.
on 5/5/11 3:04 am
Question: do you stop eating when you are full now? Or do you consistently overeat and stuff yourself? My problem was that I would eat so fast that by the time my brain told me to stop, I had eaten a LOT of food, and I ate that way for years. I am just over three weeks post-op, and I can tell you IT WORKS. But the biggest change for me is exactly why I had this...the restriction. BUT YOU MUST EAT SLOWLY. That is the key for me. I find myself more and more NOT weighing or measuring my food, but eyeballing the portions, then taking my sweet time eating. At least 20 minutes, and no more than 30. I find if I do that, I feel great, don't get overfull, and usually at 20-24 minutes, my stomach says "I'm good", and I put away the food. So if you can eat slowly, and listen to your body tell you when you're full, you'll do great. If you doubt you can slow down, or doubt that you can stop when your body says to stop, you could be putting yourself in a world of hurt. And trust me, you won't overeat with the sleeve much, because it doesn't feel good AT ALL.
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