It is VERY VERY VERY hard to stretch out your pouch

on 3/27/10 9:09 am, edited 3/27/10 9:10 am
I am in NO WAY saying that it is ok to drink soda, drink with meals, etc.  That can and will lead to weight gain.  I'm just saying that it wasn't my pouch's fault that I gained the weight - it was just me not following the rules.  I thought my pouch had stretched too far, but it was appropriate size for how far post-op I am.  Also, having 3 post-op pregnancies in 5 years didn't help matters!
RNY - 8 years post-op
Trying to lose regain

Laura S.
on 3/27/10 11:14 am
Thanks for sharing your story....there is much to learn from your honesty




on 3/27/10 11:54 am - Rome, GA
The trick ... FOLLOW THE RULES.  Why would you go through this major surgery, re-routing your guts, etc, etc., to NOT FOLLOW THE RULES.  There is always a reason for the rules .... being compliant with vitamins,  drinking carbonated beverages, drinking with meals, eating high fat .... high carb and sugar ..... Non-compliance after surgery just  doesn't make sense to me.  Why would you get this surgery if you weren't planning on utilizing it to its max!  Not to mention that "not following the rules can be life threatening!!!!"

I agree with the pouch stretching theory ..... my doctor also told me the same thing about the pouch being very durable and in most cases they find that regain is a result of non-compliance, bad habits creeping back, grazing, and a decrease in activity.

Thanks for sharing!



Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/27/10 12:22 pm, edited 3/27/10 12:23 pm
I agree with Happypeach. Why go through this life altering process and not follow the rules? I personally made this choice so I can have these rules that I must follow to aid my long term success. I do, however, see the eating changes that one might have to make while pregnant and have wondered about a pregnant RNY post-op woman, do you have to follow a special diet?  

Congratulations on being a mommy, good luck getting back on track and thanks for sharing your story!

Jackie McGee
on 3/27/10 1:20 pm - PA

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

on 3/27/10 1:40 pm
I SO needed to read this today.  I have spent way too much time in the last week worrying that I have stretched out my pouch (and I am only 6 months post op).  I can eat very "normal" portion sizes now - if you didn't know me and sat down with me for lunch, you would never have a clue that I had the surgery.  That worries me.  I do know there is still restriction there but it certainly isn't like it used to be. 

It sounds like I just need to remember to stick to the plan and stay as compliant as I can.

Thanks so much for sharing this.
on 5/5/12 12:23 am - Winder, GA
I know I am off the subject, but can you tell me how to update your weight tracker banner?
on 3/28/10 1:04 am
I followed the rules perfectly for the first 10 months post-op and lost 125 pounds.  Then I became pregnant and was told by my ob to eat more, eat every 3 hours, snack a lot etc to make sure I got enough calories in.  That got me into my old ways and I am a food addict so it's an all or nothing thing to me.  Either I follow every rule perfectly (like I am now) or I just eat whatever I want all the time.  It was still my fault, but at the time I was using my pregnancies as an excuse to EAT.
RNY - 8 years post-op
Trying to lose regain

on 3/31/10 2:30 pm
Howdy all,

I had surgery in december of 09' and can't tell you what a relief it was to stumble upon these posts here.

I was having a slow day yesterday and ate a lot more than i'm accostomed for dinner. I didn't woof it down and stopped when I felt the satisfied fairy whispering in my ear. Later that night I was thinking "oh god, have I stretched myself out? How am I eating more than normal? Oh my god!" (mind you I am young and very sensitive especially about this surgery)

I personally can't drink while I eat. I did this once and it wasn't even a lot to drink. It was a sip of juice to take one of my pills after a meal and I had a bad tummy ache after. 

I was a major soda junkie before surgery so its been VERY hard for me to give up my fix. I slowly am just accepting the fact that sugar free non-carbonated drinks are going to have be be a solid replacement for me. Wild Cherry Pepsi how I miss you! We did have a great time together though!!

Thank you so much for posting and sharing your experiences. I can't wait to read more.
on 5/27/10 2:47 am - Deatsville, AL
I am 2 1/2 years out from surgery.  I never lost the amount of weight most people did.  Your post is JUST what I needed to read.  I have lately given up on myself.  I had decided that not being disciplined had caused me to lose the "tool", my small pouch.  I can justify my way through it all, sickness, death, empty nest syndrome...on and on, but the fact is I quit following the rules.

 I went back to my dr. yesterday and he was so sweet.  Him and his staff reassured me, I CAN DO this.  Today, God led me to your post almost three months later.  Why?  because I needed to read what you wrote.  Thank God for you.  I pray your journey is going well. I got down to 180 but yesterday weighed 206.  My goal is to get to my goal weight of 160, which I never obtained.  I know I can do it.

I understand how people can ask why would you go through the surgery to stop followiing the rules.  Some poeple are more disciplined than others.  Be thankful if you are, but not judgemental.  The focus is on encouragement, not questioning anyone else.
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