Another misinformed know it all.....

on 4/27/10 11:38 pm - Marengo, IL
"Seriously.....I am thankful I lost 70 pounds on my own by eating right and exercising! I wouldn't have wanted to CHEAT by having gastric bypass or lap band surgery ;) I guess it is all about the choice we make, right?"

This was a post on Facebook from a "friend" this morning...She posted it in response to a youtube video titled "fat woman"....

Keep in mind that this woman poster is not thin......probably just obese.....but who cares what method one uses to get where they want to be and how does their choice affect HER?  And from what experience about WLS is she gaining her knowledge?  

I fixed fat but you can't fix stupid.......ugh!

Have a Great Day!  

Tammie P.


on 4/27/10 11:42 pm
lose 70- gain 70 + 70 back without surgery...bless her heart and say a prayer...
 " I will bless the Lord at ALL times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth!"

on 4/28/10 2:01 am
Tiffany...that is exactly what I did.  70 must be the magic was for me.  In my life I have learned to NEVER say NEVER.  We never know what is around the corner in life.

on 4/27/10 11:43 pm
RNY on 04/06/10 with
I've gotten those comments from friends too. I think its ignorance and jealousy. Ignorance because they don;t realize this is a HUGE life change and jealousy because we ARE losing the weight. But what is worse is the people who had no sympathy when I got out of the hospital and was in pain, because after all, I CHOSE to have the surgery so if I am in pain its my own fault.
on 4/27/10 11:48 pm
 What an idiot.... oh, sorry; was I supposed to be PC?
on 4/27/10 11:54 pm
What an asshole! I would delete her comment and unfriend her. But I'm a spiteful ***** like that.
Amy A.
on 4/27/10 11:56 pm - Riceville, TN
Are you sure you didn't quote that out of my "friend"s mouth? She said something very similar to me the other day. (She lost 80lbs by starving herself) I haven't told her about my decision because I knew she would have something negative to say, and sure enough she proved herself before I even told her the news. While I haven't had surgery yet, I fully, 100%, intend to and it upset me so much, it was all I could do not to punch her in the face!

We will see who will be "cheating" when we are the thin ones and they are the ones "cheating" on their diet and gaining those pounds back!
on 4/28/10 2:38 am
We all seem to know people like this  I am really not sure what drives them to say such stupid things.  Great for her for losing the 70 pounds however saying WLS is a cheat is misguided. I wanted to join a group at work that have been trying to lose weight together every week they put in 5 dollars and the person who has lost the most weight is the winner. I have had lap band so teh weight loss is slower than gastric bypass but they told me I could come get weighed , pay but I would not be bale to take home any prize as I would have no problem losing weight now. How I wish at times I had not told anyone. Even with WLS it is hard to make sure we are making the right choices. Injore your "friend" she may need your support when the weight comes back:)
Don 1962
on 4/27/10 11:58 pm
Kind of makes your foot want to find it's way up somebody's ass don't it?

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

on 4/28/10 12:00 am - Duluth, GA
She did say one smart thing.. "It is about the choice WE make"..  It was our choice to have GBS and we made that choice to make ourselves healthy.. We did not make it for them, but ourselves...  I also believe that is jealousy...
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