on 5/8/10 7:37 am
I was grocery shopping today and suddenly felt uncomfortable in my chest area.  I looked down and discovered that my boobs had escaped my bra!  I just started laughing, it was so hilarious but I worried people would notice the crazy lady with her boobs hanging out laughing by herself.  I hurried up and got out of there.  You should have seen me at the check out trying to keep my arms close to my body and not move around too much while putting my stuff on the counter.  Guess it's time to go underwear shopping.  I'm sure lots of you have funny underwear stories so let's hear them, I need a good laugh.
I'm in the process of changing my diet, relationship with food and my lifestyle.  I'm in training for maintaining.
on 5/8/10 8:05 am - Clayton, NC
 I keep having dreams that my drawers fall off!  Does that count????
on 5/8/10 8:24 am
On May 8, 2010 at 3:05 PM Pacific Time, LadySteeler wrote:
 I keep having dreams that my drawers fall off!  Does that count????
Well, I guess only if your dream becomes a reality.  If it does I hope you are in the safety and privacy of your own home. 
I'm in the process of changing my diet, relationship with food and my lifestyle.  I'm in training for maintaining.
on 5/8/10 9:29 am - Clayton, NC
 LOL!  I hope so too! 
on 5/8/10 10:02 am - Newton, NJ
I actually had mine fall off..
I was walking in from our office parking garage and felt them falling down.. the only thing that kept them on me at all was the fact that I had on pants that day.. That day I opted to take the elevator and not the stairs so I could pull them up before someone noticed.

I went shopping that night on my way home !

on 5/8/10 8:08 am - Highlands, TX
I've had that happen at home when I could change into a smaller bra but not out in public!

I also had an undies mishap in WalMart. This was about 3 month out. I was wearing one of my favorite denim dresses...read baggy but comfy. I had bent over to pick up a big bag of dog food, when I stood up to put it in the basket, my size 14 underwear hit the floor! There I stood with 40lbs of dog chow in my arms and 5-6 ft from my buggy!  Of course the first thing I did was to look around to see was witnessing the whole thing. Luckily I was on the isle by myself! I quickly stepped out of the undies, stepped to the buggy to put the dog chow in it...why didn't I just drop the bag of dog chow?!? Anyway, I had no pckets and only a wallet with me so I picked up those undies and pitched them behind the bags. I'd love to have seen the persons face who found them!

I told a girlfriend of mind about this episode and she started laughing hysterically. She then told me of the website that has all the video shots of folks in WalMart. I never even thought of security cameras!
Dee ..... ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸><((((º>
My new G.O.A.L. ~~~~ Get Out And Live!

Includes 61lbs lost before surgery

on 5/8/10 8:17 am
  Deedles, thanks for a good laugh.  That was too funny!!  Guess you  needed the bag of chow more than your undies.  Those security guys must still be talking about that one ha ha ha
I'm in the process of changing my diet, relationship with food and my lifestyle.  I'm in training for maintaining.
Longhorn Girl
on 5/8/10 9:08 am - Austin, TX
Oh my god, thanks for the laugh.  Hahahahaha!
~ Jennifer ~
I am 5'5" tall.  HW / SW / CW / GW  :   224 / 216 / 157 / 140

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/10 8:09 am - AZ
This doesn't have anything to do with WLS but my Dad used to tell of a story where he was in New York walking down the block and there was a very pretty, thin girl walking ahead of him wearing a mini skirt. She was walking funny. She'd stop, slow down, wiggle a bit and finally gave up. Her undies apparently didn't have the elastic needed and they just kept sliding down until she walked out of them and just kept on going.

How embarrassing. ;o)
on 5/8/10 8:27 am
On May 8, 2010 at 3:09 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
This doesn't have anything to do with WLS but my Dad used to tell of a story where he was in New York walking down the block and there was a very pretty, thin girl walking ahead of him wearing a mini skirt. She was walking funny. She'd stop, slow down, wiggle a bit and finally gave up. Her undies apparently didn't have the elastic needed and they just kept sliding down until she walked out of them and just kept on going.

How embarrassing. ;o)
Perhaps she had just lost some weight as well and hadn't had time to go shopping either.  I think WLS patients should be warned about the possiblity of falling underwear and boob slippage .
I'm in the process of changing my diet, relationship with food and my lifestyle.  I'm in training for maintaining.
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