Friday Weighers check in here! Join us as we weigh only once a week!

on 3/24/11 11:40 pm - La Verne, CA
Join us as we are dedicated to only weigh once a week, we chose Fridays.  We choose not to drive ourselves nuts by weighing evey day while our body weight fluctuates!

After my emergency hernia operation two Sundays ago, I am still down those 2 lbs I lost in the hospital, which puts me 2 lbs under goal.

How did you do this week?
on 3/25/11 4:41 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Nita....
I am doing well... (not so failthful to only weighing once a  I am at 188.8, down just over 51 since my surgery 12/29... whoot whoot!  I have noticed the fluctuations and losing pattern depending on where I am in the month now, which is good because I was worried one week.

Glad to see you on the mend and doing well... Robin said you two were thinking about heading this way... I will email you both through FB so we can plan something in person... I'll drag my partner in crime as well!
on 3/25/11 12:07 pm - La Verne, CA
I am so proud of you!!!!  You are doing soooo great,  keep up the good work.
Really difficult week at work, mostly today and I caught myself wanting to cram something down my throat for the stress, but I was able to recognize it and stop and think about it and forget about grabbing something to eat.  That was a great victory for me. 

Yes, we are even thinking of taking the Metro link to see you!
on 3/26/11 12:43 am
I'm still obsessively weighing myself and need to stop!  I am going to join your weekly watchers group and try to keep my ass off the scale!
I'm in maintenance also, at 129 this morning.  I'd love to get down to 125 just for the nice roundness of the number. 
Vertical Banded Gastroplasty 3/3/10
High/Day of Surgery/Goal/Current: 244 / 238 / 128 / 130
33 years old, 5'4" Tall      
Plastics by Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey 8/30/2011: Extended TT, BL/BA

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