nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

on 4/5/11 1:30 pm
This post is the exact reason why I never post or make any comments. I spend several hours each night reading and learning from everyone's posts. I don't have time for all of the surgery wars and nonsense that goes on sometimes. I come here to learn from those who have gone before me. I appreciate the support that most people give, but when people make a simple, innocent comment about what helps them to be successful and they get attacked unnecessarily, it really irritates me and makes me feel sad. We all come here for support and to learn. I just don't get why some people have to be on the attack all of the time. Just my 2 cents.....
on 4/5/11 3:12 pm
I agree with you, Jacque, and I'm sorry but nothing does tastes as good to me as being thin feels.  I LOVE being thin and it took me years to get here and I am so glad that I'm not as hungry as I used to be and can be satisfied with less.  I don't feel good at all after eating a bunch of junk but when I see the scale is staying where it should be, I feel very very good and my clothes fit and I'm healthy and I can walk fast, the whole 9 yards!  If you differ with me and many will, that's YOU and as long as you're ok with it, I won't criticize you one bit!
on 4/5/11 11:58 pm
You go Sharonl!  Yesterday I had the bag of chocolate chips and peanut butter out and told myself the whole time that the food wasn't worth the non loss or gain I might have today.  Didn't make any difference.  I still ate a whole bunch. (I did manage to lose 1 lb though. )
Julie Sadek    
on 4/6/11 12:47 am
Oh my!  Try to figure that out, Julie, eating that bag and losing a pound and then other days being so good on what you eat and then gaining.  Must have a lot to do with water weight when those things happen.  I know we can't always eat right.  We are going to have those bad days but when we can get back to eating right most of the time, we will be successful in the long run!   I sure have my moments too.   One thing is that I don't usually drink enough water.  I don't know why I can't get a handle on it.  I think nothing is better for us than good water.
on 4/5/11 10:50 pm, edited 4/6/11 5:51 am - Davidson, NC
This weekend I styled a model for a fashion shoot.  She's gorgeous and thin as a rail.  Then I learned from the makeup artist that she had taken a diuretic before showing up and was severely dehydrated.  I took her aside for a motherly lecture. She was a size 2 and wanted it to stay that way because she didn't want to be a 10/12 PLUS SIZE model any longer.  She was weak and faint.  She refused the water and snack I offered her.  

To that model nothing tastes like thin feels.  For that model thin is not good, it's living hell and a standard by which she feels she is judged.

I haven't come this far to let the completely normal act of eating bring me shame, guilt and image issues.

Can anyone here answer this question...

Exactly how does thin feel?



on 4/6/11 2:58 am
on 4/6/11 4:53 am
Where does it say in her post that she has shame, guilt and image issues because she put a little one line sentence on her fridge to help keep from grabbing junkfood? 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



"Just Elizabeth "
on 4/6/11 12:21 am - Houston, TX

I think if that helps you than more power to you.

However, to me, that statement has always come across as judgmental. It made me feel like if I had even one bite of what was considered a "bad" food than I was a failure. That I didn't want to be thin. Now I am at a point where I don't care if I am "skinny". I am very happy that I am in a MUCH more healthy place.

Back in the U.S.A.

"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was.  I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door.  I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer."  Kirmy


(deactivated member)
on 4/6/11 6:08 am
Ditto on the implied judgement in the statement.  "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels," implies a following, "...and you'd know that if you'd bother to stop shoveling crap in your mouth."

I refuse to turn to the same platitudes that failed me as a fat woman and preach the same nonsense that failed me then when I finally hit goal.
on 4/6/11 12:58 am
I'm glad it works for you---but it just ****** ME off. (*grin*)

The truth is---if nothing tasted better than skinny feels, none of us would have ever gotten fat to begin with, because we were all skinny---well, at least, a 'normal' weight---at some point.

Even WITH my DS, I'd have to strave and deprive myself to ever be "skinny"---and I don't consider it worth it. I'm happy and healthy as a plump middle-aged woman.
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