queion for the rny's

Jamie Z.
on 4/8/11 11:07 pm - MI
I have reactive hypoglycemia, and I had it before my band, so I know it is not because of my band.  it comes and it goes, and sometimes even when I am eating perfect I have major bouts of it (days, weeks), and then all of a sudden it's poof all better. 

I know it can be a side effect of rny, any tips on dealing with it?  My biggest problem seems to be it drops and I have no room in my pouch to eat, and I feel so guilty drinking liquid calories (juice).
on 4/9/11 12:02 am
Hi Jamie,

I had RNY in June 2009 and have been struggling with reactive hypoglycemia.  Mine reached a point that I was basically living off raw veggies and fish.  I dropped well below my goal weight and ended up damaging other organs.  Just yesterday I began octreotide injections 3 times a day prior to my meals.  I am still working through the side effects and waiting to see if they work but I have my fingers crossed. 

Best of luck to you.  Don't give up.  Sit down and talk with your surgeon.  If they don't have answers for you, ask to be sent to an endocrinologist. 
on 4/9/11 3:02 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I had my first RH episode last night.  I don't eat any sweets, or anything greasy or fried because I dump on both.

I was off schedule yesterday, meals were off (traveling) and I had  1slice  sour dough bread and about 1/4 cup of grits ( with 2 eggs for dinner).  A couple hours later, at home, I had some fresh berries and 1/2 ripe banana (along with some baby bell cheese - I always eat protein at a snack).  This is only the second time I've had banana in 2 years because they are high in sugar.

It took about 1/2 hour, but I started feeling shaky, my thoughts became fuzzy.  I stood up and felt very weak.  My hands were shaking and I couldn't think straight.  I thought my blood sugar might be low and tried to use my hubbys glucometer but couldn't do it.  I got out some whole grain crackers and peanut butter and ate about 6, then had a Oh Yeah protein wafer bar and came out of it in about 5 minutes.  I was weak - so I went to bed.

I hope I can control this happening again by watching my simple carb intake.  Since I don't eat sweets and nothing with sugar over 9gm per serving.  Kinda scary though.

By the way not diabetic before surgery or after.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 4/10/11 2:24 am
Two things I want to share.  I thought when you said you don't have enough room in your pouch that its not how much you eat its what you eat.  Second thing is this is a issue you need to touch base with your surgeon's office.  Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
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