Friday Weighers Check in here

on 4/8/11 8:02 am - La Verne, CA
We only get on our scales once a week for a few reasons,  one being  to not driving ourselves nuts weighing all week  as our weight may flucuate daily!

I stayed the same, yah for me!  I still need to work on free weights but I did order the zumba dvd yesterday!  How bout u?
on 4/8/11 9:17 am, edited 4/8/11 9:17 am - San Diego, CA

HI girlie.... Down 3.4 from last Friday... sitting at 182 from 240 right before surgery.  It's been well over 9-10 years since I have seen that number... YIPEE!!! 

I am rocking the exercise WAY more... my goal is to burn 3500 kcal's per week so that's 1 pound right there!  Hurt my knee the other day so I had to rest yesterday, but I am shooting for 5 days a week and 6 hours of exercise a week at least.  I too need to start some weights to tone up so I might do that on my lunch time 3 days a week at work. 

Happy and feeling great!  Glad you are feeling better!
Love ya!


Melanie V.
on 4/8/11 11:20 pm - Denver, CO
Can anyone join Friday weigh in because I weighed 160 and I will work out 240 minutes!
Surgery 2/3/10 Weight 207
Current 165
Goal 140
Believe you can and you're halfway there. -Theodore Roosevelt-
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