Milk and Roux En Y Gastric Bypass

on 5/5/11 12:07 pm - AZ

It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that i can no longer have cold ceral with milk. Ive come accross a few people who say they have heard that it is a type of issue with the bypass. Has anyone else heard of this or have this issue? I have just started experimenting with different milks, i started with a lactose free but it was still cows milk and i had the same result as reg milk which is a lot like dumping but worse in my opinion.  Im thinking it might be some sort of reaction to the enzymes in cows milk. I tried Almond milk and so far seems ok but the texture is kind of odd but the flavor is ok....Am I imagining this?

on 5/5/11 12:15 pm - SC
 I have always been a big milk drinker and it had to be ice cold. Since my RNY I can consume milk but it can not be ice cold... on cereal if I let it sit out a bit it is easier to keep down.  My nutritionist told me to make oatmeal with milk.. that was awesome... hope this helps
Lady Lithia
on 5/5/11 12:17 pm
You say your reaction is a lot like dumping only worse....

Are you saying you get a lot of gas, bloating, and diarrhea?

Or are you saying you get elevated heart rate, sweating, feel miserable, cramping, and sometimes vomiting or diarrhea?

If it is the former then you likely are lactose intolerant. If it is the latter, you might be one of the few who dump on milk. If it's both, you might be both lactose intolerant AND dumping on milk (welcome to my world)

I stopped drinking milk of any time for more than two years, then I discovered Almond Milk (Almond Breeze.... I dislike the Silk stuff)....and Woohoo! SO Awesome!

But I do not do cereal. Even with the almond milk, it makes me dump like crazy, and I usually get sleepy after "carb coma". Besides, having cereal with milk (or almond milk) is like drinking while eating, and my stomach isn't happy with that.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Sharyn S.
on 5/5/11 12:29 pm - Bastrop, TX
RNY on 08/19/04 with
I can drink milk and I can eat dry cereal, but I cannot mix the two or I dump like a mack truck.  It has bee nearly 7 years since I had a bowl of cereal with milk.

But, I no longer weigh 265, so I'm good with that.

Sharyn, RN

RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012

Pamela S.
on 5/5/11 10:11 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
On May 5, 2011 at 7:29 PM Pacific Time, Sharyn S. wrote:
I can drink milk and I can eat dry cereal, but I cannot mix the two or I dump like a mack truck.  It has bee nearly 7 years since I had a bowl of cereal with milk.

But, I no longer weigh 265, so I'm good with that.

Me too. Milk alone or cereal alone but not together. I tried different variations of milk and cereal but it makes me sicker than a dog. Damn!

on 5/6/11 1:57 am
amen. Me too. For some reason, together, it NEVER sits well and makes me very sick!
dragonfly queen
on 5/5/11 12:45 pm
I am one of the lucky milk dumpers and found out the hard way in a huge management meeting 2 years ago - I had an upset stomach and drank a small amount of milk after lunch to try and settle it - yeah not a good plan. 

We were waitng to give a presentation and one of my co-workers caught me right before I went down - I knew I felt "weird" but didn't even think about dumping - I hadn't done it in so long but I was never a big milk drinker before surgery either so it never entered my mind.

Carrie N.
on 5/5/11 1:39 pm - Pigeon Forge, TN

I loved milk pre-surgery.  After surgery, it really bothered me for a long time, about 5 years.  Now I don't have a problem.  Not sure why that happens.  I didn't have any problem with other dairy products.

Good luck to you!


385/199 goal/139 current
6' Tall

Surgery Date 8/2/2005
on 5/5/11 1:47 pm
No problem here with milk in any form or mixed with anything. Inluding cereal. May as well hook me up to the udder 

Sorry you are having some trouble, hope you find a good alternative. Just wanted to share my own experince about milk. And dairy in general. I've always been good with it, and still am. Grateful for that, I guess.

No tips or tricks for you, I have never done anything special to be able to tolerate it. tbh it seems same as it's ever been.


sandy L.
on 5/5/11 1:48 pm - Altoona, PA
 I also pre-surgery loved a tall glass of cold milk at night.  I've tried to drink milk since, but can't do it.  I don't dump, but I don't feel so good after drinking it.  I"m now able to have cereal and I'm a little anxious about trying it with milk.  Reading everyone elses post I"m thinking I might stick to dry cereal.
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