Has anyone else had issues with Pooping?

on 7/28/11 10:27 am
I had my 1 yr surgeversary in June and I drink water and fluids like Im supposed to and I excersize like I should and I still cant have a regular BM.... I have to take a laxative everyother day just to go... My doctor knows about this and just told me to switch up lax so I dont get used to any one of them... Does anyone have any other suggestions?? I dont like taking meds to begin with any and all comments and suggestions r welcome

on 7/28/11 10:32 am
 laxatives are addicting so you may want to try and cut down gradually. what else have you tried?  add fiber, both in food and try one of those powders you add to water, like benefiber.

are you able to eat fruit?  oatmeal? I do, but have been at goal for awhile.

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

on 7/28/11 11:02 am
RNY on 03/27/12
Definitely try fruits and fiber. Your body can become used to laxatives, and work only with them. Try whatever you can to prevent this from happening.
Good luck!
Dave Chambers
on 7/28/11 1:13 pm - Mira Loma, CA

A recent post op asked my surgeon about this at a recent support group. Surgeon's reply was that each patients is somewhat different, and you have to "find your own recipe" to deal with constipation.  More water intake, eating prunes, drinking warm prune juice, Mirilax, glycerine suppositories, a few stool softeners daily, etc.  Pain med can also cause constipation too.  Personally, I eat several prunes daily, take 3 stool softeners daily, drink 2 cups of hot coffee each morning, ride my bike about 4 miles or more daily, etc.  "That end" seems to work well most days, but this issue still happens on random days.  One woman wore a funny T shirt to a support meeting a couple of years ago. Plain white T shirt, black "stick figure" with hands raised on front, with caption "Yes, I pooped today". DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 7/28/11 7:29 pm
I need to find a tee shirt like that!!! Thats funny... But anyway Thanks for the suggestions.... I have basically become a vegitarian So I eat lotsa fruit and veggies... I dont take any pain meds and I dont want to become addicted to poopy meds.... I am working on this and again thanks for the great advice.... I will have to try the warm prune juice (yuck) but hey if its gonna help I will have to learn to deal with it!!!
on 7/29/11 3:50 pm
How many grams of FAT do you eat every day? Adding fat really seems to help "grease the skids", so to speak. (*grin*) Olive oil is virtually tasteless---you can add it to most anything. (If you're REALLY stopped up, you can even just toss back a shot of straight olive oil.)
on 7/29/11 4:47 am
Try Benefiber, works for me and it's tasteless, odorless and is not lumpy!
Elizabeth N.
on 7/29/11 3:53 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Eat more fat.

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