internal hernia in abdomen

on 9/25/11 3:11 am
I just want to thank all of you for replying to my recent post. I just want to ask any of you have you or anyone you know has had a internal hernia? I'm seeing the doctor who did my surgery tomorrow he thinks all the pain I've been having may be from a internal hernia which he said is very dangerous. please keep me in your prayers. Thank you again for taking time to respond to my questions and concerns. Worrier
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 9/25/11 4:33 am
They seem to be quite common. If you go over to the complications board, many have posted of problems like this. Adhesions from previous surgery are another common culprit.
on 9/25/11 10:15 am - MD
 hi I too have a hernia, though my is from my incision. it is very large. I have to wait until I loose more weight for the repair.

on 9/27/11 3:52 am
Thanks for your response I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow hopefully everything will be OK. thank you again.
on 9/26/11 3:15 pm - Suffern, NY
I had emergency surgery in Oct 2010 for a bowel obstruction and internal hernia.  I had terrible pain and had no bowel movement for about 5 days even with suppositories and enemas.  Went for an emergency CT scan and was told to go immediately to my surgeons hospital for surgery.  I hope all goes well for you. 


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