Help..question about nutrition tracker/protein

on 11/11/11 11:07 am - GA
 Posted this on the diet/nutrition forum,but since I didn't get any responses I thought I'd try here on the main forum.. >I have been trying to keep up with my protein by using the daily nutrition tracker.. My question is last night I made homemade vegetable beef soup and with all the mixture of ingredients I use, how do I track something like that to figure out my protein? I have also wondered this with my casseroles and I made meatloaf tonight. I have no clue how to input it all. I make my meatloaf a lot different than most people by adding veggies so I think the data would not be the same as some I've looked at..Thanks in advance :)
 Life is too short to take things for granted..LOVE deeply, LIVE fully and be THANKFUL..but above all put your FAITH in GOD  Love to all,Arlyn♥    
on 11/11/11 12:28 pm - OH
I just estimate in cases like that. 

Say I make some soup with beans and lots of veggies.  And I eat one cup of it.  I just guess about how much of that one cup consists of beans.  Like, was my bowl of soup about half broth and veggies/ half beans?  Then I say OK, I ate about half a cup  of beans, and that was about seven grams of protein (depends on what kind of bean it was) and I'll round up because veggies do have a little protein, and call it ten grams.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/11/11 12:40 pm - GA
 Thanks Kelly! You always answer my questions and that means a lot!

 Life is too short to take things for granted..LOVE deeply, LIVE fully and be THANKFUL..but above all put your FAITH in GOD  Love to all,Arlyn♥    
Mary Catherine
on 11/11/11 3:00 pm
 You can also go to a site like and create a recipe.  You put in all your ingredients and the number of servings and it gives you all of your nutrition information for each serving.
on 11/11/11 9:30 pm - NJ
here is another good site.  You can input your own recipes and it gives you all nutrient contents, etc and saves them in an archive you can look up again later... My brother in law uses this and in 11 months has lost over 135 pounds.  (no surgery).  It has really helped him a lot.

good luck

"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same". Elphaba    
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