Anyone else been checked out for bezoar??

on 4/16/12 11:02 am - NC
Well, I got the results of the barium swallow and the radiologist not only suspects a pyloric stricture (with possible neoplasm?) but that this has caused a bezoar. I hate not really knowing what all this is but I hope it is easy to fix.  I heard of a bezoar in Harry Potter as a magical stone.  It doesn't feel so magical sitting in my tummy when all I feel is nausea and I keep throwing up.

I guess there is nothing to do but wait for the endoscopy on Friday and see what the surgeon says.  He wanted to do the looking aorund himself.  Keep good thoughts in mind.
HW 369  SW 369 GW 199
Stephanie G.
on 4/16/12 12:23 pm - San Antonio, TX
Stopped just now to say a prayer for you.
on 4/16/12 12:27 pm - NJ
 what were your symptoms - i see your wrote nausea and vomiting but for how long? anything else? did it come on suddenly? do they think its related to something you ate?

saying a prayer for you right now!
on 4/16/12 8:13 pm - NC
Well, I did just fine with liquids and all the nausea and vomiting with the soft foods. And I had a strong feeling that my pills were getting stuck in my esophagus - so much so that my shrink changed my rather large Depakote pills to Depakote syrup which has helped a lot. I looke up bezoars online and since I haven't been eating fibrous foods, if I have one, it is probably all my medicine clumped together in a ball.

Only other symptom has been constipation . . .
HW 369  SW 369 GW 199
on 4/16/12 8:57 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I've never had one but I do have gastic bleeding somewhere. They haven't been able to find it yet, but the weekend before last I needed two units of blood and an iron and potassium infusion. So there is something going on. I also had two episodes of blacking out and falling in the two weeks before I was rushed to the e.r. They all still have no idea and i'm going in on wednesday to see the gastro doc and have a pill camera test. curious to see what it says. I have the pics from my endoscopy and my colonoscopy. I also had a mikkel scan and all the tests turned out negative. no idea where the bleeding is. yet the stool sample showed positive for bleeding.

personally I think its the blind stomach but the gastro doc said it would have shown up on the mikkel scan. So we are all at a loss as to what is going on.

I hope you get thru the necessary tests and get back into shape. I am saying a prayer and wishing you the best of luck! Take care and know that you aren't alone!!!

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/12 3:36 am
What us a mikkel scan? 
Marny B.
on 4/17/12 2:56 am - Canada
Interesting.  I've never heard of a "bezoar" before so I looked it up.  Here's what I found from Wikipedia:

Bezoars were stones that were sought because they were believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar would neutralize any poison poured into it. The word "bezoar" comes from the Persian pâdzahr (پادزهر), which literally means "antidote".

In 1575, the surgeon Ambroise Paré described an experiment to test the properties of the bezoar stone. At the time, the bezoar stone was deemed to be able to cure the effects of any poison, but Paré believed this was impossible. It happened that a cook at King's court was caught stealing fine silver cutlery and was sentenced to death by hanging. The cook agreed to be poisoned instead. Ambroise Paré then used the bezoar stone to no great avail, as the cook died in agony seven hours later.[6] Paré had proved that the Bezoar stone could not cure all poisons as was commonly believed at the time.

Types by content

  • Food boluses (or boli, singular, bolus) imitate true bezoars and are composed of loose aggregates of food items such as seeds, fruit pith, or pits, as well as other types of items such as shellac, bubble gum, soil, and concretions of some medications.
  • Lactobezoar is a specific type of food bezoar comprising inspissated milk. It is most commonly seen in premature infants receiving formula foods.
  • Pharmacobezoars (or medication bezoars) are mostly tablets or semiliquid masses of drugs, normally found following overdose of sustained release medications.[8]
  • Phytobezoars are composed of indigestible plant material (e.g., cellulose), and are frequently reported in patients with impaired digestion and decreased gastric motility.
  • Diospyrobezoar is a bezoar formed from unripe persimmons.[9] Coca-Cola has been used in the treatment.[10][11]
  • Trichobezoar is a bezoar formed from hair[12] - an extreme form of hairball. Humans who frequently consume hair sometimes require these to be removed. The Rapunzel syndrome, a very rare and extreme case, may require surgery.

 Types by location

I am not sure what happens with the treatment after RNY, but for those with a "normal"
anatomy, they simply remove it and people fully recover with no problems at all. 

Good luck with your search for whatever is bothering you.  I hope all goes well and you feel better soon.  :)

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 4/17/12 5:15 am - NC
Mine would probably be a Pharmacobezoars (or medication bezoars) if had to guess . . .
HW 369  SW 369 GW 199
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