The Waiting Game

on 4/20/12 4:33 am - WI
RNY on 06/01/12
I just need to express to someone who might understand...I am so anxious and waiting is soooo hard. My info was submitted to the insurance company on is really hard to be patient after months of preparing I am just ready to have the surgery begin the journey to the rest of my life.  I was hoping I would be one of those who was approved quickly.. I know that they said it is currently in nurse review..hopefullyit wont be too much longer. Any suggestions on how to make the waiting easier.
on 4/20/12 7:43 am - Carmichael, CA
DS on 12/03/12
I am waiting for something, too, though not the same thing as you and I understand how you feel about waiting. I am waiting on an external appeal currently for just a consultation, which can take 30-45 days. Before that, I went through other appeals which took about 30 days each. So lots of waiting here lol. You feel like it should have been done yesterday and you are just ready to jump into your new life! I am using this time to try and prepare myself better for it and really focus on getting myself healthier. Also distractions seem to help, like renting those movies you always wanted to see but never had the time for,playing games, or reading a new book or book series, going shopping, etc. Good luck! Hope they approve you soon!
on 4/20/12 3:38 pm - MN
RNY on 05/07/12
Honestly I was impatient as could be. I ended up calling my insurance to find out the status. Then calling the surgeons office to tell them it was approved only for them to tell me THEY had to get the approval to schedule. I waited a week and called back and said if they needed I could fax over my letter from my insurance but I wanted to hurry things up! I had already gone through everything for over a year!
on 4/21/12 12:15 am - Epping, NH
RNY on 08/14/12
 I hear you - right now I'm just waiting for approval from the surgeon's office to continue in their program, on to the appointment with the surgeon.  My appointment with all the multitude of tests was on the 9th of April and I thought the team was talking about me on the 17th, but when I called to follow up yesterday they haven't yet.  They're apparently talking about my case next Tuesday.  More waiting!  Next would come the waiting for the insurance approval - not looking forward to that either!

on 4/21/12 1:02 am - WI
RNY on 06/01/12
Well I got the call on Friday telling me I was approved and information was mailed to the dr office and myself, now I just need to wait for the Dr office to call me on Monday the person who schedules the surgery was gone on friday..I am so happy and know it wount be too much longer now.
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