Weight gain from meds

on 4/23/12 1:58 pm - Canada
 Hi! I am new here, and tomorrow I talk with my Dr.  For the first time about weight loss surgery. Now, I've gained a lot of weight due to medications I take for my Fibromyalgia, and of course, eating alotof things I shouldn't. I am concerned that if I have the surgery and loss the weight, would I gain it back because of the meds? Any insight you all have would be appreciated!
on 4/23/12 2:23 pm - Vancouver, WA
 Not neccesarily, you would have to work wih your doc to find something that isn't so prone to cause weight gain. I too have fibro (join us on the OH fibro forum) and when I took Lyrica I gained so switched to Cymbalta which didn't cause the weight gain fir me. Many of the drugs for fibro pain are anti depressnts and they in general can cause weight gain. Sometime you just have to try some different drugs to find what will work for the pain and still allow you to lose weight, but it can be done, there are alot of us who have fibro and have had surgery. If you have other questions I'll be happy to help, you can PM me if you like.
on 4/23/12 3:25 pm - OH
Maybe, maybe not.  It would probably depend in part on how the meds cause weight gain.  Like, if they increase your appetite so you eat more, and you have surgery that limits the amount you can eat, then the meds might not lead to weight gain.  If the meds affect your metabolism, they might still do that after surgery.  It may be that you need to work extra hard to maintain your weight loss but surgery might still give you a tool to make it easier to do that than it would be without surgery.  Those are issues I would discuss with a bariatric surgeon.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Dave Chambers
on 4/24/12 12:03 am - Mira Loma, CA
Yes, some meds can cause issues.  Finding an alternative medication is your best option, since fibro likely won't go away quickly.  One option I've tried is medical marijuana, which may be available in Canada.  I've read many online forums on mmj and have noted many patients who find relief from fibro using this alternative medication.  If you decide this option may be ok with you, then get plenty of high protein snacks, as some users have issues with the "munchies".  Vaporizing is generally will likely afford immediate pain relief, eliminating the issues from smoking this herb.  You inhale vapors of the product, not the vapors from burning--much healtheir.  Edibles, tinctures, or capsule forms are another altenative, although pain relief is likely will likely only occur an hour after ingestion.  BTW, my surgeon's office has multiple patients using mmj as an option, without causing issues with the wt loss surgery. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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