Why do you HAVE to be at a 40 BMI?

on 4/24/12 1:13 pm - Northern, CA
There are countries that do WLS if your BMI is 35 or higher, not 40. And there are surgeons in the US who follow that guideline too.

It's the insurance companies in the US who won't pay for it moreso than the surgeons not doing it.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

on 4/25/12 1:41 am
If you can self-pay, you can generally find a surgeon who'll accept you at a BMI of 35. Inusrance companies have guidelines, beccause they're in it for the money.
on 4/25/12 3:08 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
 SAd but true. 

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

on 4/25/12 7:21 am
Hey---I'm all in favor of people having WLS whenever they decide it's TIME. Looking back, my life could have been MUCH better if I'd known about and had the ability to have WLS when I had a BMI of about 30. Instead I spent another 20 years suffering---20 years I could have been a much more active, healthy, productive member of society.

But I do understand why insurance companies have guidelines. (Think of MiniMe.)

on 4/25/12 12:28 pm - Northern, CA
On April 25, 2012 at 8:41 AM Pacific Time, MsBatt wrote:
If you can self-pay, you can generally find a surgeon who'll accept you at a BMI of 35. Inusrance companies have guidelines, beccause they're in it for the money.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Starting BMI 40-ish or less? Join the LightWeights

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