Always hungry

on 9/13/12 2:56 pm
Not sure what is happening but it seems lately I am hungry all the time, sometimes it is like I am starving and feels like my sugar is getting very low. I believe I am eating like I should and taking my vitamins but man o man it feels like I want to eat non-stop and I soooo don't want to do that!! Don't want that nasty weight creeping back on!.....Does or has this happened to anyone else?
Just Me         
H.A.L.A B.
on 9/13/12 3:43 pm
Maybe you are eating too many carbs.  

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Ruth S.
on 9/13/12 3:58 pm - Orlando, FL
You might be going through cravings and that can happen to anyone.  Find out if you're REALLY hungry. When did you eat last, and what did you eat last?  Then look up craving curing foods and or having smaller meals so that you're moving your metabolism or as're eating carbs and certain foods make you want to eat more.  And - yes you don't want those pounds to creep up cause you don't want to go having a revision..
Ruth S.
on 9/14/12 2:07 am
How much protein are you eating at each meal/snack?  I find that for hunger pangs, protein solves that issue.  Even if it is a protein shake.

Have you had your labs checked recently?  Are you deficient in anything?  Sometimes our body is sending us signals in order for us to increase our intake to help with balancing the needs of our bodies.

Good luck

on 9/14/12 11:17 am
Thank you all very much, I will definately pay more attention to what is going in my mouth and making sure it isn't carbs, which it could very well be the problem, however I am due as well to get the labs done in a couple months maybe I will see if they will do it sooner. Thanks guys!
Just Me         
on 9/14/12 12:11 pm - AZ

happens to me all the time. as soon as i drink a protein drink im good to go

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