Per-Op Jitters

on 9/21/12 4:01 pm - KY
Hi Addie
I would like to say that if you did not have any jitters you would not be facing this honestly.
I had mine 3 years ago and feel thankful that I did it.
If I can answer any questions,  please let me know.

good luck and welcome to the journey!

on 9/21/12 4:54 pm - IN
RNY on 10/01/12
 Hey Addie, we share the same surgery date. OCT. 1st is our new beginning! Good luck to you and prayers for a speedy recovery!

Addie C.
on 9/22/12 9:30 am - TX
VSG on 10/01/12
 Thanks I will do the same for you! Love the fish avatar. My husband and i was just in your neck of the woods about amonth ago. We had to bring 9 teens from our church to a camp called Still Waters. Him and I got to just hang out for a week! Loved it. See you on the losers bench Brother!



on 9/21/12 6:44 pm - Confluence, PA
RNY on 11/13/12
I also am pre-op and scared as hell.  I can not decide on sleeve or RNY I keep bouncing back and forth.  I keep thinking this is a life changing decision.  I meet with my surgeon on Thursday it will be my 6 month date required by my insurance.  I think I have been doing pretty good so far.  I was only required to lose 10 pounds and keep it off and I have lost 50!

My fiance has been real supportive of me and so have all of my friends.  LOL They all want to be in the waiting room for me to cheer me on. I am like guys I will be sleeping I won't even know you are there. They say doesn't matter we want to be there for you. Told them they are worse than expecting fathers.

Last night had a nightmare that I was having surgery and the Dr. was in there and just gutted me open and was throwing out Twinkies, a turkey, cookies all this food that was whole. Just pulling them out and whipping them over his shoulder. All I kept thinking of was the episode of Seinfeld where the Jr. Mint fell into the guy who was having surgery.

I am so afraid of losing my hair have been told so many times that I have been blessed with healthy hair.  It is so thick and grows so fast that I have donated it several times and hope to be able to continue doing so.

So many emotions right now scared, excited, confused...

Highest Weight - 354(March 29, 2012) Day of Surgery 292 (Nov. 13, 2012)


on 9/21/12 7:54 pm - Tinton Falls, NJ
My suggestion is to do the sleeve. As a RNY patient I have had nothing but complication after complication. I was so good. I followed every rule and never cheated. After a year they decided to go back in and reverse it but I was so badly damaged that they couldn't and I had to have a gastrectomy. There are many many success stories with the RNY but if you have complications having the sleeve or the band is much easier to reverse. If I had to do all over again I would choose to have the sleeve. Good luck in your journey. 
Addie C.
on 9/22/12 9:45 am - TX
VSG on 10/01/12
 Hey, that dream was crazy for real! lol Congrats on the -50. I hope I lose 10 I just am not sure. lol My husband said this morning this is your last day before the big diet. So we are having a nice quiet family dinner and running over all the thing the kids will need to understand again. Just to see if they have questions and stuff. (okay I just totally babbled lol)

I was going to do the RNY and had my mind set on it too. With months of indept research I changed my mind with the docs help, lol to the sleeve. I was very scared of the rerouting of my bowels that I lost alot of desire for it. Put bowel problems run in my family. With the sleeve you don't reroute and you lose the nerve to be hungry. With the rny your tummy is still there just hanging around making acids and making you hungry. Well there is more to it just a simple way to put it.

As for losing you hair, I to am praying for no lose but fact is your body is going through a major surgery. The stress that it puts on you is hard first off, then the lack of vitim is causes it to fall out Hope I have been a help!



on 9/22/12 10:23 am
Lollipop, have you also researched/considered the DS? THe DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats for patients of any size, but this is especially true for those of us who managed to reach a BMI greater than 50. (It's a metabolic thing.) The DS has the same fully-functional stomach as the Sleeve, plus an intestinal bypass similar to, but more agressive than, the RNY.

If I had to choose betwee the Sleeve or the RNY, I'd go Sleeve all the way. AS a DSer, I have a Sleeve, and it's been remarkably easy to live with. The whole pouch/stoma arrangement of the RNY has too many potential probelsm for me, and without any corresponding benefits that I can see. And, something no one wants to think about, but should---if the Sleeve alone doesn't give you the results you've hoping for ands you wind up needed a revision, you're already half-way to having a DS. Revising an RNY is the most difficult, risky form of revision out there.
on 9/22/12 6:06 pm
I am scheduled for surgery on Sept 25th.  i was freaking out and then I started on the pre-op liquid diet.  I am now on day 7 and I can't wait to have the freaking surgery just so I don't have to be on this diet anymore!  I know I won't be able to eat after either but I hear (though i can hardly believe it) that I won't be hungry after surgery.  so now I am just counting the hours!  I don't know if that is really rational but there it is!!  Hang in there.  I'll tell you how mine goes!!

on 9/23/12 4:29 pm
 OMG!! I am so nervous too. My surgery is October 1st and I am filled with anxiety not to mention a little hunger from this liquid diet.....................I have my final surgical clearance from my PCP tomorrow and I am extra nervous about that. I have found some solace from the forum and stories of success. The count down is on and wish all of you pre-ops a safe and successful procedure!!! 
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