I am sooooooooo excited talk to my insurance co today!!

on 10/5/12 9:11 am - Litchfield, NH
RNY on 03/05/13
I initially was told they require 6 month of diet/exercise following monthly. I have been seeing a nutrtionist for well over a year now and had 5 consecutive visits between her and my primary care. Well i was informed today that it is SIX times in a 2 year frame does NOT have to be consecutive. Do you all know what this means?? It means my time is more than half cut so instead of maybe 6 months it could be 3-4 depending upon how long it takes to get my 8% weight off and complete all requirements. Also the other night 3 nights ago i was 345 at my nutritionist and this morning 339! That mean i am already -6lbs only 21 more to go!!!

I am so beyond excited. I had my proof of my nutrtional visits faxed to my insurance lady, and all my relevant medical records send to the obesity treatment center.. signed off on everything today to be mailed/faxed. I am just OVER THE MOON right now. My insurance said almost everyone gets approved and the approval process takes typically less than 10 days after getting the paperwork from the surgeon. So my 6 month nutrtional class are DONE, my 8% weight loss on my way there, my sleep studies and 2 month cpap complaince DONE.... omggoodness all this is becoming surreal.. i may be one of those people who move through very quickly it seems. I had to share my excitement.. hearing this news today and knowing i am just a few more months away from a new healthier life just lights me up! =)))

HW: 401  SW: 297  CW: 200.8
RNY gastric bypass surgery on March 5th, 2013


on 10/5/12 10:09 am - NJ
VSG on 12/05/12
 Congrats on the amazing news!!! I just saw my regular dr today for a physical. I havent had one in years. I told him that I went to a seminar last night for the WLS and I MUST do it. Unfortunately the surgeons I want, consider my ins out of network but the billing guy last night told me NOT to worry. Just get my proof of my Weigh****chers trackers THANK GOD I saved them since March! I am still doing WW but  am failing, obviously LOL.

I hope my process goes as quick as yours will! My ins rules can be the same, 6 months of diet and exerciese blah blah blah. Keep up the good work and Keep us/me posted! 
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