Fish preparation

on 10/11/12 1:14 am
RNY on 10/01/12
Hi - any recommendations on what fishes to try and how to have them taste good for stage 2?  I am not a big fish fan.  I have eaten Tilapia, but not a huge fan.  Would like to know what fishes are mild, easy to digest for stage 2 and how to prepare so they taste good and are moist?  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks.
on 10/11/12 1:32 am
I am a big fan of poached salmon.  I don't like lots of fish but this has totaly worked for me.  Here is an excellent recipe:
It was one of the first things I had in stage 2. 

also, I have found that extra firm tofu marinated in some kind of sauce is soooooo perfect for me post op.  I get the Seeds of Change Indian sauces or I just marinate in soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and sesame oil.  I cut the slices of tofu sortof thin and marinate for a little while and then fry in a cast iron skillet (to get that little bit of extra iron but non stick would work just as well).  After weeks and weeks of stupid shakes this is my current favorite food.  Tastes AWESOME and it is the only food that I can eat really well and get enough protein out of. 

good luck!
on 10/11/12 1:33 am
RNY on 10/01/12
Thank you!
Paul Carrick
on 10/11/12 1:36 am - Eastsound, WA
VSG on 08/27/12
As far as mild fish that I tolerated well in stage 2, halibut is mild (be sure to take out the bones). Steamed, poached or sauted is best.

I really like salmon but I really don't consider it mild (however I'm from the pacific northwest we live on them here ). Again, steamed, poached or sauted.

What also worked for me but I had to be careful about how fast I ate was albacore tuna (in water) with low-fat mayo. If it's well mashed it makes a good meal.

The best thing I ate with fish in that stage was a bouillabaisse like fish stew. It had salmon, habliut, shrimp and crab meat (the shrimp can be a bit tough so I got them small). I used "better than bouillion" lobster and clam base for the stock (I didn't want to do a fish stock).  Be forewarned that it's a lot of work and money for only about 1/2 cup but I had it for several days and my family enjoyed it.

I hope this helps.


  HW: 360 SW: 342 GW: 175 CW:  Click to find out  
  "Life is what happens while you're making other plans." - John Lennon

Mike R.
on 10/11/12 4:45 am - Warner Robins, GA

BBQ Roasted Salmon



1/4 cup pineapple juice
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
4 salmon fillets (6 ounces each)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
4 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
3/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat oven to 400°F.  Combine first three ingredients in Ziploc bag.  Marinate in refrigerator for one hour, turning occasionally.  Remove salmon from bag and discard marinade.  Combine remainder of ingredients and rub over fish.  Place fillets in baking dish coated with cooking spray.  Bake for 12-15 minutes or until desired doneness.  Serve with lemon slice garnish.


Calories:  225
Fat:  6 grams
Protein:  34 grams
Carbohydrate:  7 grams
Cholesterol:  88 milligrams
Sodium:  407 milligrams
Sugar:  6 grams


          HW: 392 lbs SW: 377.5 lbs
          CW: 215 lbs GW: 190 lbs

on 10/11/12 8:22 am
RNY on 10/01/12
Thanks - sounds good.
on 10/11/12 7:55 am - WA
halibut - can be $$
Red snapper
sardines- I know most people don't like but Alton Brown makes a great sandwich with them.  I just leave out the bread part.

I like some cajun spice and lime juice on them. 

All the above can be on the grill, broiled or microwave with plastic wrap over it. 
Keep it moist.  I live in the Seattle area so we get a lot of great options at the store.

  RNY 8/29/12       5' 9" tall


on 10/11/12 8:20 am
RNY on 10/01/12
Thanks for the suggestions.
on 10/11/12 11:51 am - Sunny Southern, CA
The following comes out perfect and moist every time:

Foil Fish:
or here's another version: uch.html

Hope you enjoy them,
~Michelle "Shelly"

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 10/11/12 5:22 pm - Selkirk, Canada
DS on 06/14/12
I usually mix can salmon or tuna (drained) with mayo about 3 tablespoons, chopped onion or green onion, celery, a shake of vinegar or splash of lemon juice and pepper.  great for sandwiches or snack crackers.  Also walleye or pickerel is good baked in oven with garlic butter and lemon pepper seasoning.  Chew everything really well in your first few months after surgery.  Hope this helps Barb
Dr. Jamie Ponce de Leon - Medical guide Laurie Wolf Received money Never showed up - Only thing booked were flights.  Surgeon and Medical team, and hospital were awesome .  There is another Medical guide named Trish she is good.  PM me for info.    
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