Supportive husband of surgery and sister-in-laws with different post-op

on 11/2/12 5:13 am
RNY on 10/01/12

My husband was and is very supportive of the RNY surgery I had.  However, what makes it hard for me is that he can eat any thing (lots of it) and drink beer regularly and if he rides his bike a few times a week, he stays thin.  I want him to feel comfortable for him to eat in the house with me, but knowing that there are things that I will never have again and he has them, will make it tough.  For example, next week is beer week where we live.  He would like me to go with him to one of them, even though I can't drink.  I don't want him to have to go alone, but it stinks that I really enjoyed beer before surgery, and now I am reading that I should never drink again. 

I have two sister in laws that had the same surgery.  One about 12 years ago and the other 10 years ago.  The one that had 12 years ago eats everything and drinks beer.  She just can't drink much beer, because it hits her quick.  The one that had it 10 years ago cannot eat cheese as of one year ago, and can only a little rice or pasta at time.  She drinks things like margaritas.

Did something change in the past 10 to 12 years that patients can eat everything and drink, but the patients now a days have been told different things? 


Sarah R.
on 11/2/12 5:24 am

I rather doubt things have changed so drastically its more like as time goes on people can mostly eat the way they did before surgery. Im 16 months postop and there is very little I CANT my choices in what I eat? THAT is what makes a difference.





on 11/2/12 10:01 am
RNY on 10/01/12
I can eat about 2 ounces of protein, even though nut said I can have 3: Just can't get that much in me. How much can you eat now?
Neen L.
on 11/2/12 6:13 am - Arlington, VA

The surgery is just a tool, as they say, and it's up to us as post-ops to make permanent, positive lifestyle changes. I'm eight and a half years post-op and can eat just about anything without getting sick. I'm a cheap date when it comes to alcohol, so I stick to a glass of wine or one beer if I'm out with friends.

Honestly, if someone met me now they wouldn't know I was post-op. I eat small portions (at home we use dessert sized plates), focus on protein first, but don't deprive myself of the other food groups. If I overdo it with carbs or sugar, I pay for it on the scale, so I'm still careful.

It's wonderful that we have this forum for support, but we all have different pre and post op plans from our surgeons. For instance, I never did protein shakes and was encouraged to get my protein from food sources even during the pureed foods phase. I also didn't have a pre-op diet as many surgeons require now. As the field of bariatric surgery grows and more long-term research is completed, those suggestions and recommendations will surely continue to be updated. Like anything else in life, medicine is an ever-changing field.

Best of luck to you. I'd say go and enjoy the festivities. Even if you don't drink, the social aspect will still be fun. Sometimes it's nice stand back and watch the mayhem. ;-)

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

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on 11/2/12 6:27 am - OH

No, I don't think things have changed.  I bet your sisters in law were advised not to drink in excess and were advised not to eat junk food.  I mean, do you think any doc would advise his patients "Drink a lot of beer and eat anything you want?"

You shouldn't drink beer when you're just a month post op but there is no reason you can't have a beer later on if you want.  The carbonation may give you painful gas or it may not.  You'll be able to tolerate most foods down the road, too.

I am not a big drinker but I go places occasionally with people that want to drink.  I went to a bar last weekend with some friends that wanted to drink and play pool.  I had a diet soda.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/2/12 10:05 am
RNY on 10/01/12
I was told I cannot have diet soda because of the carbonation. It does not bother you? My sister in law said it bothers her 10 years out.
on 11/2/12 6:56 am, edited 11/2/12 6:58 am

Surgeon's protocol vary.  Initially what you eat should be protein, protein, protein as your pouch is small and very limited.  I can eat anything now, but I'm 7+ years out; I do still focus and make protein the #1 priority still.  I didn't drink alcohol until I reached goal, it doe**** you hard.  The thing to remember is alcohol is empty calories and has no nutritional value.  It hits us all differently so you must be careful of how much you drink AND be aware of addictions.

I hope during your research and reading the boards you are aware of cross-addictions.  Alcohol has been the one I've seen people post about most often.

So later on if you decide to drink just be careful and aware.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 11/2/12 10:24 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with

like the other posters said, you'll eventually be able to eat and drink most things in moderation (not at one month out). after your body heals and you learn your personal rhythms. its up to you to decide what you eat and drink (for the most part, barring any illness or negative reactions). so that means if you want a beer at next year's festival, it'll probably be ok to have it, should you choose to.

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