Are these normal emotions pre-op?

on 11/11/12 11:54 am - Litchfield, NH
RNY on 03/05/13

At first i was excited still am in a huge way but after being in the ER the other night in a bed jonnie, etc is occured to be i am petfified to undergo surgery again... and i was starving so i got to see how that felt as well. In the beginning Oct 4th it seemed like the time for me to get gastric bypass would never come.. and now time is flying by.. how does time go from dragging to flying by in just a months time? Hard to believe in about 3 months give or take i will be undergoing a huge life changing procedure....... this person i have known my entire life will be someone new.. i have been doing a lot of soul searching lately too about who i am and who i want to become after all of this.. about where my life is headed. My husband and me are kind of in the middle of marriage issues big ones that may cause a split and since losing weight and deciding i am getting gastric bypass he has all of a sudden because much nicer to me and actually sounds like he wants to care.. i think he is losing his control over me already and knows finally i am thinking and doing for myself and my kids only... not him! My self esteem already losing almost 80lbs has hiked up quite a bit.

My emotions are all over the place from worried, to excited, to scared, to happy and i don't know how to control them.. i just cannot believe things are finally happening for me.. everyone in my surgeons office.. PA, nutritionist, etc have high confidence in me based on what i have already done so far. The PA thinks i will easily lose 180lbs that is what he said to me.. that would bring me to around 150lbs i mean wow!!! He said this should be easy for me because of my attitude and willingness to make this work... and the amazement that i have already lost almost 80lbs on my own.. you really have to want it that's all i have to say and not one moment has it been easy but it all has been worth it. I only have my lifestyle classes, monthly weight checks 10 more pounds before i meet goal weight, and psyc exam to be done before surgery then i meet with the director of the program and surgeon.. i mean wow it really is flying by now. With the holidays approaching it's coming up even quicker.. i have been so busy that i haven't even been thinking about time actually. I work "retail" I am young 28 and so excited to be a better mom and a new person all over again. I control what i can and then everything else falls in place. I am very nervous though surgery is a huge thing.. they had to give me a sedative to get me into the OR before my gallbladder removal last year lol.

From the sounds of it through my case worked for my health insurance everything they have received so far from my NUT is perfect and there is no reason to think i should have any problem with a quick approval basically everything is falling into place now....

HW: 401  SW: 297  CW: 200.8
RNY gastric bypass surgery on March 5th, 2013


on 11/11/12 9:20 pm - NH

I think that your emotions sound very normal! I agree with your surgical staff that you seem to be a great candidate with your compliance so far. Have you been to the RNY Forum? It is a board like this where there are lots of long and short term pre ops and post ops. I would love to have you join us there too!,messageboard/

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

Mary Catherine
on 11/12/12 1:53 am

Emotional issues are pretty consistent for all of us.  When i have a friend who is going to have weight loss surgery, I buy them this book, The Emotional First + Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery,

You can get it for Kindle too.  It is difficult to keep a perfect marriage together when one partner is going through a complete transition.  Ask if your surgeon has someone who they recommend for therapy.  It is possible for a marriage to survive this, but it will take work from both of you.  You have to decide if that is something that you really want to do.  A divorce lawyer told me once that we marry the person that we fall in love with at 18.  Then at 27, we realize that we want something else out of life and divorce that person.  We meet and marry the right person at about 32.

I meet my husband at 18 and he died after we were married for 40 years.  It was not always easy and I thought about leaving many times.  There is an old theory that we become a completely different person every seven years.  Think about how different you are at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28.  There will be that much more difference at 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, etc.  Your body, your feelings, your confidence, and your life all change drastically every seven years.  Visualize the person that you will be at 35.  See yourself as slim, happy, well dressed, confident, successful in your career.  See you children at the ages they will be in seven years. Try to decide if your current husband fits well into that picture.

I believe that the reason things are falling into place for you is because you are in one of those magical transition years when life turns around.  Life and opportunity seem to happen when we are ready for it.   If at all possible, read the book I recommended before your psych exam.  Being emotionally ready is the ultimate factor in your success.


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