Endoscopy yesterday and still having pain...

on 3/8/13 2:11 am, edited 3/8/13 2:14 am - NJ

I had an endoscopy yesterday in the morning. Everything was OK except enteritis which is like inflammation of the small intestine (instead of the stomach, which is gastritis). My doctor thought it was due to acid so he put me on medication. I was told I could have a normal diet so I tried to do so. Started with yogurt which went down OK, then for lunch had a little pasta in lean ground beef sauce and had some pains with that but not too bad, and then I had dinner.


It was normal chicken. Broiled as my doctor asked me to eat a bland diet. Two bites and I got horrible pain under my breast. I of course stopped eating and decided to drink a protein shake instead to get the meal in. Today I ate the chicken and while it went down better than the night before, it still hurt in the same area.


I'm waiting for my doctor to call back (the weather is terrible I am hoping to get him) but have any of you had a touchy pouch for a day or two after your endoscopies? I'm trying not to worry but you know how an anxious brain works. I haven't thrown up or anything and still getting fluids in, so I'm not sure what to think. FTR, I am about 2 years post-op RNY (2 years in May)

Debbie C.
on 3/8/13 3:53 am - Bradford, MA
RNY on 10/10/12

I have had 3 endoscopy's since November, each time the Dr told me to do a soft diet for a week, but every Dr is different, maybe try to just do soft foods for a couple of day?


Good luck!

on 3/8/13 4:05 am - NJ

My doctor also called and suggested to stick to softer foods for now. I don't mind that at all, I was just worried I ruined something with that piece of chicken. Normal diet my butt.


I'll just keep an eye on it. I even got the chicken I couldn't eat down today, but again with a bit of pain (not as bad as the other night, though!). I always have such bad luck with so called simple procedures. Thanks for the reply. 

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