counting out 18 Cadbury mini eggs... Seriously?!

Jackie H.
on 3/28/13 1:34 pm - Canada

This just proves to me how deeply addicted to food/sweets I am. I was a real secret eater, as a child; to be fair my whole life. I got caught earlier last month. Valentine's day was the excuse to buy sweets, and I hid chocolates under my knitting bag. My hubby, who struggles with this too, heard a bag rustle; came in quiet like. Boy was I embarrassed. He confessed  too. Now, instead of eating everything around including the sweets, we have allowed ourselves 18 mini eggs each. It takes the pressure off. We bought a bag last paycheck, which was two weeks ago, and we've hardly had any. Confession and Forgiveness are so freeing, I need to do this more often. 





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on 3/29/13 2:46 am
VSG on 11/23/12

Pre-op I was a total secret eater.  I used to buy fast food and eat it in the car, stashing away the bags so my husband wouldn't know.  I'd stop at the gas station and grab two slices of pizza and wa**** down with a 20oz pepsi, throwing away the evidence before anyone could see.  Looking back I can see how self-destructive that behavior was.  Good for you for bringing it out into the open! 

Highest weight 279.8

Surgery weight 268 


Jackie H.
on 3/29/13 6:57 am - Canada

Thanks, mnmommaof2, for your encouragement.  Ya, now I really have a lot work to do. 












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Member Services
on 3/29/13 10:21 am - Irvine, CA

Aren't we all      

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 

Jackie H.
on 4/2/13 6:00 am - Canada

Thanks, MS. I needed that.






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Jackie H.
on 4/2/13 6:02 am - Canada
Gina 21 Years Out
on 3/29/13 9:51 pm - Burleson, TX

JACKIE..JACKIE..JACKIE..tsk..tsk..tsk..tsk..shaking my know good and well if you want to not have anyone hear the candy/cookie bag rustle you have to eat in the bathroom, with the shower going full blast to overshadow that "crinkling" sound of those darn bags!!! OR take them OUT of the bag to begin with and put them in a plastic container (but not Tupperware (those "burps" sound like gunshots when you're trying to be sneaky)..

In all seriousness..I doubt you could find 10 peeps in all of OH-land who weren't/aren't "sneak eaters" on some level. It's like fate peeps cutting the size labels out of their clothes. Makes me nuts, at resale shops (though does make price less). Nobody wil know we're fat if the INSIDE of our clothes doesn't have a number on it? I, too, was a sneaker. I would sneak from MYSELF-even littering and throwing trash out the car window, so i wouldn't have to admit to myself I DID, indeed eat that drive thru whatever. Last Christmas I went into candy coma at Halloween and said ENOUGH. I accidently kicked my trash can over, in front of my boss, and was mortified at all the "mini" cany wrappers that fell out. My boss was too much of a gentleman so say anything. That day I made a promise to myself. I ,oved my trashcan and only used a small bin on my desk. IF I had more candy (and yes-I did)-the wrappers were right THERE-I had to see them-and account for them in my daily calorie counts-pretty soon those calories just weren't WORTH it anymore.

Giving yourself "permission" and making a conscious decison to buy the bag, on payday, may very well work for you, Denying yourself may cause you to go nuts and buy a basketful on Monday when there will be clearance chocolate bunnies everywhere..

18 can be alot of eggs..even mini ones..please do be sure you are logging them into your daily totals, so as not to start "testing" boundries. I speak from EXPERIENCE on this, and only bring it up, because I want SUCCESS for you, and others, without making so many of the un-necessary mistakes I have made along my almost 11 year journey..



RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Laura in Texas
on 3/29/13 10:18 pm

Well said, Gina. There are still some things I absolutely cannot keep in the house. As I was buying my kids' Easter basket goodies yesterday, I had to buy things I would not be tempted by. I could not get the malted milk eggs or I would eat them all!! 

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Gina 21 Years Out
on 3/31/13 12:55 am - Burleson, TX

LAURA-I can PROUDLY say I have not had not even ONE Cadbury egg this season. I'm so glad it's an early Easter, and then the suckers can be gone, gone, gone. I nearly went into a coma last year, thinking I COULD tolerate one, but betcha that wouldn't stop stupid old me from trying it again, givien the right mood and opportunity (I'm a very slow learner)...

Malted milk eggs--like whoppers? I'm not a huge candy person, but gosg I love those..sigh..I'm putting a basket together this year for my psuedo-grandbaby (son dating her mom). She's only 10 months old, but has mouthful of teeth and could eat steak, if she had it. I skipped chocolate all together. She's already overweight. I got her bunny ears, flower ears, socks, an outfit, some peeps (yuck-I'd never steal those), Minnie Mouse toothbush/paste, hair thingies, stuffed bunny holding Minnie and some a few plastic eggs that have fruit tootsie rolls inside...have to have SOME candy, I guess..and no doubt her other GiGi will have plenty for her.

I'm going to egg hunt at grandbaby's house this afternoon. I bought those prefilled eggs-candy already in them-all sealed up-I can't even get into them without breaking the seal...What a godsend!!

Hope you and yours have a blessed Easter !

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Jackie H.
on 4/2/13 6:07 am - Canada

OH! Not the Malted Milk Eggs!!!!!!! They are all together evil!






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