one month post op... questions

on 4/18/13 3:01 pm

I had my surgery on March 20 2013.  I am bloated all the time and whenever I eat I get gas bubbles in my stomach that make me feel really uncomfortable.  Will it be like this forever or will the gas bubbles eventually go away?  I always feel really bloated and sick after I eat-not nauseous, just gross-feeling. 

Also, I havent been able to have a bowel movement for about 5-6 days.  Ive tried milk of magnesia but it doesnt seem to help, they just told me to try mirolax, but I feel strange not going to the bathroom for so long.  Any ideas?  I just started adding yogurt and eggs to my diet.

on 4/18/13 3:47 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

you may feel better after a BM. Early out I had to use MoM every hour til I went a couple of times, a couple of times I also had to resort to using a dulcolax suppository. Once cleaned out it's easier to stay on top of it taking the miralax and/or fiber daily. I'd try to get things moving and see if that doesn't help the feelings you are having. I know when I am extremely constipated I feel very sick when I eat.

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on 4/18/13 4:13 pm

thanks, ill try the MoM again.  the problem with it is that it takes so long to drink and it tastes so bad.  perhaps i could try the pill form...

on 4/19/13 5:41 am - Jacksonville , FL
RNY on 04/08/13

You might want to try a suppository laxative - get quicker results, at least get some of it out.  Good luck, I know how uncomfortable that is.



on 4/19/13 9:00 am

my mom is a nurse and what they did in the care home was do 30 ml milk of magnesia with an ounce or two of prune juice.

Maybe try metemucal or benefibre to get some fibre in your diet. and lots of water of course.

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