pre-op sprained ankle

on 5/19/13 11:17 am
RNY on 06/11/13

I've been meaning to write a proper post introducing myself for a few days (and you will probably still get that!) but now there is something more pressing I could use some insight/support on, sigh.

I am THISCLOSE to scheduling my surgery - just finished everything I was supposed to do, was supposed to call the office on Monday to schedule, and it they said my date would probably only be 2-3 weeks out.

Then this morning I was taking the dog out in the rain, slipped on the steps, and badly sprained my ankle.  I was terrified that it was broken and relieved that it wasn't, but now that I'm home and doing some research, I see how long it can take to recover.  And the pain is also a lot worse than it was earlier today.

My fear is that they're going to make me postpone the surgery until after I'm completely recovered so that I have normal mobility after the surgery.  Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? 

(P.S. Has anyone had experience walking on crutches at a high weight - I'm 300+ pounds and I was finding it near impossible to walk on them without putting any weight on my bad ankle at all since I just couldn't do the hopping thing.)

Melissa Nicely
on 5/19/13 11:28 am - Chesapeake, OH
RNY on 05/06/13

My friend actually broke her ankle the week before she was scheduled to have surgery. They had to postpone the surgery for a month till she could walk on her own. If you just sprained it you should be fine in a few weeks, enough to walk around on your own. You might have some lingering pain but you should be good to go for your surgery. If you have any doubt ask about it when you call to set up your surgery date.


on 5/19/13 1:40 pm

IMO, it would be in your best interest to delay surgery until you're mobile. You will NOT be able to use crutches after surgery, that's for certain!

Diana E.
on 5/19/13 1:43 pm
VSG on 03/27/13

At the worst, you should be hobbling by then.  But I don't think you would be on crutches still.  I am the queen of sprained ankles.. I've done it a good 30+ times in my life (before I had surgery for a bone deformity that would lead me to sprain my ankle).  In nearly every cir****tance, if I even had to use crutches, I was off crutches after 7-10 days.

Totally normal to be in more pain now than you were earlier.. in fact, it will probably hurt worse tomorrow than it does today.  Keep it elevated, keep your ice/heat on it and keep up on your meds.  It's easier to stay ahead of pain than it is to chase it.  It will also help keep the swelling down to a minimum... now is the time to be a good patient.

If you are having that much difficulty with crutches, see about getting a walk-about ordered for you.  Insurance will cover the rental.  It's like a scooter of sorts.  You bend your knee and rest your leg on it.. it has wheels. 

As for the surgery, if they schedule you more towards the 3 week end.. you should be just fine.  You're going to be doing a lot of resting anyways.  Plus you will be on awesome pain killers that will also kill ankle pain. :)

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 5/19/13 3:04 pm - Vancouver, WA

I say go ahead and call Mon. let them know about the sprain and they can schedule accordingly. It probably won't put it off a lot.


on 5/20/13 10:41 pm
RNY on 06/11/13

Thanks everyone!  I am going to see the physical therapist today, and then talking to my surgeon's office, so I will report back. 

(DE032713 I particularly appreciate the advice, you made me feel a bit better!)


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