3 months out and hernia.

on 6/30/13 8:03 pm

I was just diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.  I had bypass in March and now I cant get much food down because I vomit it back up.  Does anyone know anything about hernia surgery?  Is it a long recovery?  How does it compare to bypass surgery, pain and recovery wise?  Is it common to have daily nausea with a hernia?  I havent been able to talk to my dr yet, I see him on the 9th, so I just wanted to see if anyone else has had experience with hernias?

on 7/2/13 7:36 pm
VSG on 01/06/14 with

I haven't had hernia surgery, but I know several people who have, and it is very painful.  My mother has had eight surgeries and three children, and says the surgery to repair her hiatal hernia was by far the worst.  Reflux is common, but I don't know about nausea.

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