What helps with being sooooo full????

on 9/7/13 12:25 pm
RNY on 08/01/13

I've had this issue a few times...I get to feeling so so full and it feels like nothing is moving down out of my stomach? I have not over-eaten. Just feels like everything is stuck. Lasts for hours. No real pain, per se, just extreme fullness and discomfort. :(

Melissa - RNY 8/1/13 :)

on 9/7/13 7:57 pm - Culpeper, VA

Hi there,


Sorry you are going through this.  It appears you are a new wls patient, right?  You are still in the healing process.  It might be that you are eating the wrong foods for this stage of your recovery.  Were you given the three stages of food choices while in the first year after surgery?  It is important to allow your tummy time to heal and adjust.  Also, are you eating slowly and chewing everything well?  Are you eating a lot of vegetables that can cause gas?  I guess if I were you, I would first visit a nutritionist and see if your food choices are appropriate.



Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 9/8/13 1:04 am
RNY on 08/01/13
I am technically supposed to be in the final and eternal stage, but I haven't really advanced yet bc I can't totally get all my protein in yet. Still "smushing" foods in the food processor and such. I am definitely NOT overeating and I don't think I'm eating too fast.

Melissa - RNY 8/1/13 :)

on 9/8/13 12:38 am

You might be actually eating too much!  Your little pouch just can't take in the same amount as you're used to eating pre-op.  

Watch your intake:  when your nose starts to run, stop eating.  Same with hiccups or burps.  



on 9/8/13 1:06 am
RNY on 08/01/13
I am definitely not overeating. This happened a few days ago on just 4oz of protein shake and 1 tsp of ff cream cheese. Last night is was about 1-1.5 oz of food that was well chopped (food processor) and that I have tolerated before since surgery.

Melissa - RNY 8/1/13 :)

on 9/8/13 1:48 am

If you're suddenly unable to eat as much as previously, then you might have a stricture. Your surgeon will need to 'scope you to dx this.

You're still healing, and all your nerves aren't back up to speed yet. You'll have to learn what your 'full' signal is. For me, it's burping (Strangely, I also burp when I get hungry.)

Ditch the fat-free stuff. When a high-fat food is made artificially low- or no-fat, they replace the fat with carbs. You will always malabsorb some of the fat you eat, but not the carbs. Fat is actually your friend.

on 9/8/13 10:45 am
RNY on 08/01/13
My surgeon's office says ff or lf whenever possible...

Melissa - RNY 8/1/13 :)

on 9/8/13 11:34 am

A surgeon is trained to cut and sew people. They really don't get much instruction in nutrition, even for normal people.

Studies have shown that the 'average' RNY patient only absorbs 62% of dietary fat---but nearly 100% of simple carbs. Now which do you think is REALLY better for you? Especially when you're trying to lose weight.

on 9/8/13 8:00 pm

Our intake can vary from day to day.  Watch for your "tell" and stop eating when your nose runs, or you hiccup or belch.

Just because you were told that you could eat 1/2 cup of something doesn't mean your pouch will agree with the statement!


on 9/16/13 3:43 pm

Ok, why would your nose run?

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