7 months out...concerns about midback pain and breast tissue change etc.

Cheryl B.
on 11/7/13 11:35 am - Sinking Spring, PA

Hello. I haven't been here for awhile. I had the gastric sleeve in March and have gone from 221 at my heaviest to my current 149 so I am pleased with the weight loss. The negatives..a little hair loss, some mid back pain, a change in breast tissue, and some numbness. Anyone else relate to this? I had my annual gyn the other day and the doc suggested I get an ultrasound mammo to show more detail She said I felt fibrous. I don't have much fat on my boobs anymore so is she feeling the denser tissue? I am scheduled for the exam tomorrow PM. She said not to worry it was for my peace of mind. The mid-back pain comes and goes and is non-existent when I do aquatics but bothers me during Zumba. I have Googled this and apparently this could be my back realigning. When does it stop? Also i am happy where my weight is now so how do i slow down or stop the weight loss? I don't want to go lower than 140. Skin is just hanging on me now as it is. Who is 7 or more months out and can give me some advice? Thanks. Also my yearly physical last month  had good results including blood panels. 

on 11/7/13 11:40 pm

Have you had a mammogram before?  If so make sure they put on your chart that you have lost a lot of weight.  Last year I was called back because of the significant changes from the previous years mammogram.  It was due to the change in tissue. 

Candy V.
on 11/9/13 4:55 am - MI
RNY on 09/12/12

I had a mammogram after losing 100+ pounds and I made sure to tell them about the weight loss.  The tech said it did not even look like the same persons boobs LOL  About half the size!

I also get intermittent back pain.  I think you are correct, our bodies are adjusting to the new center of gravity.  Zumba bothers me too, lots of jumping around.

I just started High intensity interval training - alternating walking and running for 20 minutes- it is kicking my butt, sore legs and butt for sure.

I don't see how tall you are, I am 5'4" and am down to 130.  Skin is nasty!  Better than full of fat.  I had a tummy tuck done less than 2  months ago and that helped lots with body image. 

 RNY 9/12    TT 9/13    HT 5' 4"   HW 250    SW 242   CW 125

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