
on 12/24/14 4:29 am

I am a huge movie fan and although I just had my surgery on Dec 11th I am still anticipating the time when I can enjoy some Skinny Popcorn at the movies. I have heard that there is some controversy regarding popcorn that some Doctors  have it on a forbidden list ?

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 12/24/14 5:08 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14 with

What does your dr say about it? Mine doesn't have a problem with it, but he wants me to eat protein first, followed by veggies & maybe then a little carbs. Popcorn is strictly a treat for me, so I totally get wanting to eat popcorn at the movies. I know I can't eat much popcorn anyway, usually cuz I eat some protein b4 I go to the movies, then there isn't much room for popcorn other than a handful or 2. 

Popcorn from popcornopolis is my favorite indulgence.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


White Dove
on 12/24/14 11:42 pm - Warren, OH

Not on the forbidden list.  The only thing on the forbidden list is -- nothing.  But common sense and caution would say not to eat popcorn for at least the first three months.  Getting a piece of the hard kernel stuck in a healing stitch could cause a lot of pain and start an infection.

I eat it rarely, but it is something that I could eat a lot of if I wanted to.  It works like a slider food because its volume goes down to nothing once it is swallowed. 

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/25/14 7:25 am
RNY on 08/21/12

What White Dove said. After the first three months, I always have it at the movies. But I CAN eat a ton. Avoid getting it with topping, there's a ton of calories in that.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

(deactivated member)
on 12/25/14 1:47 pm
VSG on 11/13/14

My doctor says its forbidden. Apparently the little shell pieces can build up and cause a blockage. Ask your doctor though. 

on 12/26/14 8:31 am

According to your profile, you have a VSG. This means your stomach functions just like it always did. There's nothing to 'block' now that you didn't have before you had WLS. Once healed, you can eat all the popcorn your daily carb allowance permits.

(deactivated member)
on 12/26/14 9:02 am
VSG on 11/13/14

Except that its a lot smaller. No offense but I'm gonna have to go with what my doctor and dietician have said. 

on 12/27/14 6:17 am

Yes, it's smaller---MUCH smaller. But all this means is that you can't eat as MUCH popcorn at one sitting. (*grin*)

Seriously, your Sleeve functions mechanically just like it did before surgery. Do you understand what the stomach does, and how it does it? (I'm not being condescending---most people who haven't studied anatomy really don't understand much about how the body works.)

Food starts getting broken down in the mouth, by the action of the teeth, tongue, and saliva. It passes down into your stomach, where it's further broken down by stomach acids (and trust me, popcorn, even un-popped kernels, are NO match for stomach acid!) and churned by the muscular action of the stomach.  This results in a thick liquid called 'chyme'.

At the lower outlet from the stomach, there's the pyloric sphincter. The pyloric sphincter opens and closes, allowing small amounts, called boluses (boli, if you speak Latin), to leave the stomach at intervals. This is why dumping is VERY RARE with a normal stomach and/or a Sleeve.

If, instead of a Sleeve you had an RNY, then your surgeon's concerns about popcorn getting 'stuck' *might* be valid. However, I think he's giving you RNY advice, or just plain doesn't want you to eat the carbs.

Of course, it's entirely your decision what to put in your mouth. What you choose right now may be different from what you choose a few years from now.

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/14 6:53 am
VSG on 11/13/14

Yes I've had basic anatomy and physiology so I do know. I still prefer to do what my doctor and dietician say to do as I think we all should. They also say to avoid eggs until 8 weeks out and I've seen some eat them after a week. I'm going to do the smart think and follow my orders. 

on 12/28/14 4:08 am

That's fine---I'm just saying that everyone should be adults and make their own decision, and not worship their doctor or dietitian as an all-knowing authority.

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