Losing Weight Years After Surgery

on 11/11/15 5:38 am - deridder, LA

I had my gastric bypass 7 years ago . I am having the same problem . I excersise , I try to eat right . I can't lose a pound . I still can't eat a lot of certain foods because I puke . It's fustrating . 

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/15 8:37 am - CA

Heather, when was the last time you saw your Bariatric Surgeon?  You may need to get back in and be evaluated by either him or the Dietitian. I know that when I have spoken with a RD they have always been able to pin point what was probably causing my lack of weight loss and I was able to re-adjust my meal plan.    Also, if you are eating and throwing up, you need to have the surgeon see what is going on there.  

Good luck! 


on 11/12/15 8:30 pm - deridder, LA

Thanks . I haven't seen my surgeon in years . I see my family doctor tho . She says that the puking causes my blood sugar to drop , which gives me the shakes , so then I eat something sweet to feel normal again . She had the surgery As well . I'm taking b12 weekly & iron too .

on 11/16/15 7:57 pm

Control your sugar and wt loss will resume. Sounds like your regular Dr. has a good handle on it.. now to control the vomiting and sugar drops. High protein, liquid proteins if you have one you like for breakfast helped me control my low sugar episodes... read my orig  post below..for more tips.

on 11/16/15 7:53 pm

  I agree, if you can you should see your surgeon.

Until you get there, you need to address your issues. It is my guess you are not chewing well or are getting hidden fats.

  When I have these issues, here is what I do.

1) reduce stress...(see if any of these sound good to try) .. use exercise, crafting (needlework,plastic canvass ,crochet, knitting, scrapbooking sewing), reading, luxury bath, foot massage or pedicure/manicure, cuddling with your sweetie  or a pet.     

2) re-evaluate foods. as tastes change, so do your digestive enzymes... ideas to help... Keep a diet diary,  to try to pinpoint what foods you don't tolerate.  I love chicken, but if a peice is too dry,or has hidden fat it will not stay down. So be a picky eater, pull that meat apart and make sure you are not getting hidden fat. Make sure it is not too dry, if something is too dry, put a little moisture on it, even if it is a teaspoon of gravy or sauce and chew your food very well... remember the 20 chews for 1/2 teaspoon?   

   3) Eat very slowly, besure to stop drinking fluids for 30 min before your meal and do not resume liquids until 30 min after the meal. If a food is very dry or feels very heavy,  a swallow of warm liquid and getting up and walking a dozen steps will help it go down. Cold liquids always make mine come up. 

4) Add digestive enzymes toyour vitamin regimin, get the one that has many different flora.

on 11/17/15 3:58 am - deridder, LA

I'm going to try those things . What is a digestive enzyme

on 11/16/15 7:34 pm

You already have had some good Ideas given to you..

.one of the main things that will make you hang on to weight is stress. So when you make the dietary changes, and resume the exercise plan you have chosen....take time to do the stress relievers...if not daily, then several times a week. 

For me, I added proteins up to the 90 Gm I was prescribed, with low carbs.. remember carbs are needed to utilize those proteins, so they are necessary.

I had to cut all sugars and fruits, they left me shakey from my sugars going up and dropping... So be very careful that you choose the proper serving sizes on those...it's easy to over do it on the fruits.

on 11/17/15 3:59 am - deridder, LA

I need a better vitamin 

on 11/17/15 10:44 am

Probiotics...are one source.. and the substances it takes inside your gut that break down food. Different ones do different substances.  One of them is in meat tenderizer..( Get one with NO MSG!) that enzyme is  naturally in pineapple.

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