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John White
on 8/11/06 9:29 am - CA
Topic: RE: baby steps
Nice! I have the M.U.L.E., which is a 3L capacity. I even take it to work to use as a water consumption goal. I didn't take the tofu. I really need something to take in case I bonk at some point. I've tried eating 1/6 of a Cliff Bar and didn't dump, so that might be an option. My buddies use Cytomax powdered drink mix. Maybe I'll put some super-dilute solution in a bottle...
Katherine A.
on 8/11/06 8:57 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: baby steps
I have a cateye computer so it just gives me the basic information, and yes, I really miss the chugging, now I see the benefits of the camelbak sip system. ;) then you can sip and spin the day away. how was that tofu?
John White
on 8/11/06 6:25 am - CA
Topic: RE: First post-op ride on Day 18!
10.8 miles, by the way. And found my heartrate monitor strap in the back seat of my car. Awesome.
John White
on 8/11/06 6:23 am - CA
Topic: RE: baby steps
Rode 10.8 miles and felt awesome! Could have done a little more, but remeember I'm way further along post-op than you were. I'm riding on Geax Tatto's which are listed as a freestyle tire "designed to withstand high pressures." Guess my bike shop listened to my 375 weight and decided to give me some insurance. Definitely not a smooth street tire, but closer to your hybrid. It's a wiiiiide tire too. I have a cycling computer (Polar CS200cad) so I'm getting mph, heartrate, cadence, and mileage. Definitely had to contrate on drinking more often than pre-op when I could chug the water down...
Katherine A.
on 8/11/06 6:11 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: baby steps
YOU GO!!! I would try 1 mile out and 1 mile back and if you are up to it, do it twice that first 9.2 miles was 1.2 miles more than I should have, I thought I was gonna die the last mile. also I had been doing some 2 - 4 miles on the stationary bike, so minus the heat and wind resistance factor. speaking of resistance. what kind of tires are you running on? I have a mountain bike, but I have a hybrid tire, and it is much better with rolling resistance to use street tread instead of mountain tread. if you do not have one, get a odometer, then sip every mile, it helps me to have a 'alarm' go off to sip, or I forget. ;)
John White
on 8/10/06 3:02 am - CA
Topic: First post-op ride on Day 18!
I thought I was going to wait until 4-6 weeks post-op to get back on the bike, but Katherine A. inspired me with her 2 day post-op boast. I had a lap Fobi g.b., and my incisions are all scabbed (and the scabs are falling off). I thought my gastronomy tube site would be the least healed as I only had it out on day 10 but it's fine. It's the site of my J-P drain that is just a tiny bit sore when I put pressure on it. I seem to have lost the chest-strap portion of my heartrate monitor, which is dissapointing. I had it in my car, then brought it in last night (I thought). Couldn't find it in the morning. Hope I didn't leave it on top of my car overnight then drive off with it there in the morning. Held around an 80 cadence on the way out and about 76 on the way back. Felt awesome!!! Really suprised myself. Cycling mentor kept riding up and telling me to slow down below 15mph. I guess I'm over 30 pounds lighter than my last ride, so I shouldn't be so suprised, but there's a difference between knowing something abstractly and seeing it applied in my own body. Felt the difference on every single underpass along the Santa Ana river trail. Normally I'd end up riding up at my lowest gear really slowly, but this time I was able to keep a lot of speed on the uphill portions. About 3/4 mile from the Yorba Linda Regional park (where I stage), there's the tiniest little uphill portion that normally kills me. Today I was able to maintain 15mph all the way up. Yay me!
John White
on 8/9/06 6:13 pm - CA
Topic: RE: baby steps
7:30am staging time! Going to limit myself to 4 miles or so. Don't have any pork, but I'll take some tofu.
Katherine A.
on 8/9/06 3:17 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: baby steps
I rode 2 days post op, but just to the end of the block and back. no problem. riding is much easier than walking (I have been strictly walking for the last 6 weeks) and will go back to riding tomorrow (vacation is over). seriously YOU CAN DO IT. just load up with water and protien (I take cooked pork loin) for energy.
John White
on 8/9/06 10:00 am - CA
Topic: RE: baby steps
Holy cow! You were riding 10 days post-op?! I'm sitting here on day 17 feeling sorry for myself since I thought I couldn't ride for another 20-30 days! I might go for a ride tomorrow morning!
on 8/7/06 4:01 am - Johnson City, TN
Topic: New Exercise and Fitness Forum to open today
Later this afternnoon the Exercise and Fitness message board will be converted to the new format used on the main message board. The new Exercise and Fitness Forum will consist of many great articles, illustrated exercise programs and much more. Unfortunately, the posts currently found within this message board will not be converted at this time, but there will be a new section within the new message board to post on the this particular topic. I look forward to seeing you all there.
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