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Katherine A.
on 5/22/06 7:21 am - Klein, TX
Topic: baby steps
2.5 miles today, avg speed 9 mph. I had two little critter bugs with me, Erik (6) on a 20" Trek and Magnus (4) on a 16" Specialized or I could have gone faster if not further. I think that as long as I get out 1/2 hour each day I will be making progress.
Katherine A.
on 5/22/06 4:53 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: gosh! Where are the cyclists??!!
I peddle about 9 - 11 mph myself, and am fine with that, drives my husband nuts. he likes to go 20 mph. I went from 5 mpd to 20 and then got some groin issues from a bad position on the seat, and backed off for months. now I am starting all over again. he has suggested a recumbent but I am pretty fond of my 'wedgie' heehee bike. even thought it flat kills my back and arms to use it. I say that every mile counts, even 2 for me today.
Katherine A.
on 5/22/06 4:50 am - Klein, TX
if you ask my husband, he would say Specialized, if you ask me, I would stay Trek. granted, HE is 6ft 6in and 177 lbs so he doesnt put much strain on his bike (8% body fat) I on the other hand am making my Trek 4100 haul a BMI of 43.1 so I would say that this bike is pretty sturdy, both on road and off. I did change out the tires and got something that was less 'mountain - knobby' and more multiuse which gives me less 'rolling resistance' on paved trails.
Katherine A.
on 5/22/06 4:47 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: New bike!
okay, share, what did you get? I have a Trek 4100 and it ROCKS.
Katherine A.
on 5/22/06 4:46 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: Nutirtion on the bike
I pop a shake in my 'basket' and drink it down, if you freeze them first, they are thawed but cold for the ride home.
Gretchen M.
on 4/24/06 3:34 am - Bowie, MD
Topic: Nutirtion on the bike
Hey biker buddies, how do you handle nutrition on the bike since we are not supposed to drink and eat at the same time? Do you consume carbs like we did in the bad old days (bananas, gu, power bars, trail mix)? I'm doing OK pre-loading at 25 miles but when I push the mileage I really need some nutrition to avoid bonking. Thoughts?
on 3/24/06 9:33 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
My husband last year bought a chainless bicycle made by Dynamic Bicycles out of MA. It has a rear wheel drive shaft that takes the place of the chain. It is a heavy bike, but very smooth. You can shift gears while pedaling or standing still at a traffic signal. He had to have the latest "toy". Here is their web site.
Sheryl Tilley
on 3/9/06 6:48 am - Prescott, AZ
Topic: New bike!
Hi everybody! Very excited about my new bike -- I'm down 65 pounds and ready to roll! Sheryl
on 3/3/06 12:56 am - Covington, LA
I feel ya! My Felt was over $1,700. And triathlon gear is like most other, you can buy as much crap as your heart desires at all different prices. I love all those gadgets. It's addictive. Are you mainly a biker? I highly recommend branching out into multisport (duathlons/triathlons). So satisfying. I'm signed up for an Ironman distance triathlon in November. It will be a real stretch for me, as I'm painfully aware that God did not intend me to be very successful in any of the three sports - I'm 5'3" and have short legs! But, that kind of race is not about winning, it's about finishing within the time limits. I've got a real passion to be able to call myself an Ironman. It's like what my mom said about a college education, it's something no one can take away from me. I do wish you health and happinessl. Susan
on 3/3/06 12:18 am - NY
Thanks for writing Susan. That post is several weeks old, for some reason not many people go into that cycling room? I picked out a Specialized Stump Jumper, Expert Level, and I just need to figure out how to pay for it? It's $2.400.00 yikes! Thanks Kenny
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