Some things never change.

on 7/12/11 7:24 am - Vancouver, WA
Today's subject is timeless, while fashions may change nearly daily the basics never do. The Bible says we should dress to draw attention to God not ourselves. Now that doesn't mean we can't have a distinctive manner of dress but it can still be something aceptable to God. Now I gotta admit when I was younger I tried to wear the oddest clothes I could just to annoy my parents sometimes. We all want to be individuals and not like everyone else. I find as I get older it is much easier to dress more acceptable to God and not so much myself. I can still look nice but be more covered and modest. This can be an issue for many of WLS patients since for the first time maybe they have a nice looking figure and want to show it off. As Christians tho we need to remember to be somewhat modest in attire. Not everyone needs to see our accomplishments. We can still show our success and be covered in a more modest way. Now I'm not saying we need to don head to toe covering, but we can can dress nicely without too much skin. Try to look at it as how would you dress if you were meeting our Lord and Savior. God bless! Karen
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