Visit with the pulmonary doc.

on 10/13/11 2:26 pm - Vancouver, WA
Well spent a good hour at the lung doc today and found out that after getting rid of the pneumonia and MRSA I had in June, I still have a bug called MAC in my lungs. It isn't contagiouse thank God but I guess it takes 12-15 mos. of very strong antibiotics to treat and even then it may not cure it. However it does give me one more reason why I am soooo tired all the time, it says that it can cause severe exhaustion, I imagine partly because you don't get enough oxygen. So for now I see him again in Nov. for follow-up and to get the results of some blood work. I still need to get my other foot surgery done so will probably put off the MAC treatment till after the first of the year. I would really appreciate some serious prayer for successful treatment because right now in my life I am pretty much stuck in bed most days because it is so hard to breath I don't get much of anything done. If it is God's will I sure would love to get at least some of my life back to normal and have the breathing capacity to be more active. Thanking you all ahead of time and I'll be sure to let you know what happens when we start treatment.
Patricia R.
on 10/14/11 12:09 pm - Perry, MI
 I will definitely keep you in prayer, and am grateful in a lot of ways.  My lung problems are minor, with the chronic asthma, and infrequent clots.  I am bedridden currently, just because I prefer to be in bed with my foot elevated, then out in the living room.  It has to do with my doggy.  He likes to be as close to me as possible these days, and in bed, he can lay next to me while I read, crochet, or work on my laptop.  The only thing I can do with him on my lap is watch TV.

In my prayers.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/15/11 7:45 am - Vancouver, WA
Yep I spend my healing time in bed too for the same reason, the critters want to be next to me. Plus then I can spread all my projects out all over the bed.
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