How's your walk?

on 10/14/11 8:56 am - Vancouver, WA
Have you ever noticed in the make over shows that when the ladies are finished being made over and they stand there they look so pretty but when they walk often they have trouble with the new shoes and feel akward with the look. That pertains to us as Christians too if we just stand still no one notices if we are following our Savior, but when we act they can see big as life whether we are "walking the walk"! We need to make sure what others see is an accurate representation of Christ and we need to make sure that we speak of things as He would. So let's star****ching our walk so others will see our walk.

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 10/14/11 12:41 pm - Perry, MI
 My walk has definitely changed in the last 35 years.  For years, it was Christian on Sundays, at church.  Then, the rest of the week, it was the old, craziness of my carnal life.  Gradually, after about 15 years of hypocrisy, I changed radically.  A dear Christian friend took on the responsibility of mentoring me in my faith, at the same time I was in early recovery in AA and therapy.  Her teaching me about God's infinite grace and love transformed me into a different woman.  My husband saw the changes, but left me after 25 years anyway.  For a brief while, I thought about turning away from God, because my world had been turned upside down.  Fortunately, my friend, Ruth, even though she moved from Pennsylvania to Florida, stayed faithful to encouraging me via phone calls and e-mail.  There were many times when I fell flat on my face in my walk.  Especially during my two year relapse with the alcohol, but God kept using Ruth and my therapist to get me back on track, and eventually into the hospital and rehab, which I needed.

It would be totally impossible for me to walk alone.  I need Christian friends, like you, and Ruth, and others to encourage, exhort and admonish me along the path that the Lord has set for me.  And, I have learned that my path probably does not look much like your path, or Ruth's path, but because of technology, and travel, our paths can connect on occasion.  Last February, I traveled to Florida, and Ruth and I had breakfast together, and sat by the pool at the hotel for an hour, which was the first time we had seen each other in over a decade.  I cherish that precious time where I could hear her voice and see her smile at the same time.

Sorry to babble.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/15/11 7:48 am - Vancouver, WA
That wasn't a babble that was a beautiful testimony!! I think folks like us who came to the Lord the hard way are somewhat more appreciative because we've seen the ugliness life can have, where folks who are raised in the church sometimes have never seen the down side of life!
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