Zero tolerance

on 10/27/11 2:32 pm - Vancouver, WA
Oh my this is a good one today, gossip. I sometimes find it hard to distinguish between gossip and trading information. As Christians we should of course not gossip and of course most times it's pretty easy to know what is gossip. Recently I had a relative that was in hospice and only had a matter of days to go and I told several other people about it that knew her, to me that was sharing info. Then again I had lunch with a friend the other day and we were talking about a young man who had died and a reliable source told me it was drugs. I shared that with the friend and later found it was untrue, so that was gossip. I promptly emailed her and set the story straight but since I didn't know for a fact what was true I should have kept my yap shut until I did. Gossip can be a very slippery slope so we (myself included!) must be sure what we are sharing and whether it is even for us to share that piece of info. So let's make a point of watching our tongues this week.

God bless!
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