Good grief!

on 11/14/11 12:26 pm - Vancouver, WA
Grief, we all face it more than once in life. In Lamentations, Jeremiah records his grieving process over the destructuion of Jerusalem. He took the time and even organized the book on how to grieve. Too many people feel they have to keep a stiff upper lip and show no weakness by not going thru all the steps of grief. If we try to cut the process short we short ourselves from a full recovery. Remember to seek God for comfort during these times because He is always there for us. Lam.3:32 Though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion. God may allow things to happen that will cause us grief, yet He will use it to help us grow or learn from it. He is always there to bring us comfort and strength to get thru the situation. So when you feel saddness beyond what you can bear, remember to reach out to the One who is always there!

God bless!
on 11/17/11 8:25 am
amen to that!
I been away for a while, been really busy
be blessed!
 Lady T~ The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength!    
on 11/17/11 10:10 am - Vancouver, WA
So good to see you back Lady T!
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