playing the waiting game

loretta cowels
on 9/7/11 1:52 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
so frustrated waiting to get into doctors so i can have the wls. They say its complicated because my stomachs tied and they have to untie it durring surgery. Im stressing my self out one day im like i need to get this done the next day im scared. Quiting smoking is really hard my nerves are shot and im tryin g to change meds the nerotin has really made my weight soar. i want off this and on something else and scared about the weight gain from not smoking i just seem to not to be do good. the more weight i gain the more pain i am done with being unhealthy need to get healthy for my baby. Sorry just needed to vent a little
on 9/7/11 10:48 am
I remember how nervous I was waiting for my inurance approval. I was planning on having Rny, but because of my medical complications the Dr. would only do Lapband. My weight loss has been very slow, still I am so glad I was able to get it done.
Thank goodness I had quit smoking a couple of years before. It is hard, but so worth it. I truly love not being a smoker. Hang in there!
on 9/7/11 11:36 am - Vancouver, WA
Hugs hon!It's hard to wait especially when we don't see any reason for them taking so long. I hope you are able to hang on and quit smoking, I too did that about 12 years ago and it's no fun for sure!! Just remember, one day at a time.
loretta cowels
on 9/7/11 10:01 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
i just feel like im getting bigger  by the day and i know quiting smoking dont help did you ladies gain aloy of weight with quiting. I want to be healthier for my baby im just so scared and on edge
on 9/8/11 6:58 am - Vancouver, WA
Well it's been over 10 years ago when I quite but if I remember right I did gain some (about 10-15 lbs) but I was able to lose it once I got past the hardest part of quitting. One thing at a time, right now quitting smoking is most important then you can tackle the weight after awhile and then when you have your WLS you will lose bunches. Has the doc given you anything to help you quit? There are a few drugs that help get thru the worst part of quitting. I used Zyban and it really helped my nerves. You just come here and vent all you want. I'm always here if no one else is. Stay strong, you can do it!
loretta cowels
on 9/10/11 7:20 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
im going to talk to my doctor about meds to help take the edge off but i dont seem him for a few more weeks there so many things i cant take because of all my other meds. i allready take two nerve pills for anxiety. I know i can do this just want to do it with out driving my family crazy lol. i notice im really grouchy and emotional. thanks for the support. loretta
on 9/12/11 12:35 pm
I used the nicotine lozenges when I quit smoking. Because I needed the putting something in my mouth and I was like you I did not want to gain alot of wait. I did tell myself that quitting was the most important thing and I would deal with the weight when I got past the hard part. I ended up using the nicotene lozenges for way longer then you are supposed to. My doctor said he would rather me using them than smoking. They are kinda expensive. I finally wanted to purchase something bad enough that I decided to give them up. I still to this day use sugar free breath savers. My family calls them my cigarettes and when I am nervous I pop quite a few of them. Chain life saver eating! lol
You just have to put your mind to it and tell your self you are worth it! I wish my oldest daughter would quit smoking. She is 35.
loretta cowels
on 9/12/11 11:24 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
ya i bout some of those e cig and i found some non nicotine flaor stuff for it. it helps because with me its the habit of having something to relax with. The only probelem with the e cig is it causes my heart burn to feel worse dont know why. i found a real cheap place to order the e cig and its rechargable and refillable and i bought the juice for it that has no nicotine. i cant suck on mints because they give me heart burn i think my hital hernia is back but if it is they will fix it during surgery. my acupunctureest said cinnomom helps with cravings but again if i eat to much chest pain. Some times you just cant win but i will beat this with out going nuts. i know once they call me with my procuder date it will be alittle easier because i have to quit 30 days before i have the endoscope and i cant have the wls until i have that they want to check it out because my stomach is tied around my esofogus thats why i think it is a hital hurnia instead of heart burn acid should not be able to back up. i cant throw up so how could acid back up. i hope they dont make me do the test again for hital hernia most awful test ive ever been though. They said its so bad most men walk out on it. sorry so long makes me feel better to talk with people. loretta
on 9/14/11 8:23 pm

Hi.I had my RNY on April 28, 11.  I quit smoking 13 years ago and I used Herbal cigs. found in Health Food stores. They are strong, stink to high heaven but gave me that hand to mouth and blowing out smoke I needed. I cleaned my house and car-did not smoke any either. I would go outside and take a few puffs. There is tar in the herbal cigs but no nicotine. I also used the patch. Because I got to where I couldn't stand the smell I haven't craved any at all, that would be luck I guess.

The good thing is though-having WLS is the perfect time to quit smoking as the WLS will help in keeping the weight off. You are not gonna want to eat very much anyway and by the time your tummy has healed you should be slimmer than you were.

You may want to talk with the doctors office to see what meds he recommends for the Fibro. I could not take Neurotin or any other along those lines. For me I think it helped coming off everything so I could learn what helps and what doesn't.  

I would think any stress you have right now with your stomach wouldn't be very good. Why not ask your doctor for something to help with stress..

Best wishes for you.

on 9/21/11 5:28 am - Canada
 Hi, sorry to hear you are so stressed. I live in Canada (Ontario).I smoked 1 to1 1/2 packs per day and had smoked for 33 years, I saw an advertisment on tv for Ontario Laser Health to help you quit smoking, I went and have been smoke free for 7 mos. now. it's a cold laser therapy that is used on accupuncture sites (no needles)  there should be something in your area in the states. for me this was a miracle. I never thought i could quit,   hope you can find something in you area. good luck! 
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