Really bad day

Blessed B
on 9/17/11 2:19 pm
Ugh! Where do I begin?! Today has been such a bad day. My flare began around noon and has been relentless. I have been nauseated almost all day; headache that began at the base of my scull and wraps around to the front of my head;really really bad deep burning/aching between my shoulder blades and in my neck.  I have been sitting here for hours on end with my heating pack and haven't gotten any relief what so ever. I do have a hot tub but I just don't have the energy or strength right now to even take the cover off of it.
Does anything work for any of you when you have bad flare ups? I am just praying that this intensity will be lessened tomorrow.

 Taking one day at a time.

on 9/18/11 7:15 am - Vancouver, WA
So sorry you are having such a rotten day, wish I had a magic answer for you. If heat hasn't worked maybe ice would. I know when I get migraines that ice works better, then I just snuggle up in a nice warm bed for a few hours. Other than that all I can suggest is call your doc tomorrow and see if you can get some good strong (maybe narcotic) pain meds to knock it out. I'll be thinking of you and hope it is all gone by tomorrow!
on 9/18/11 9:49 am
Hope you get t feeling better soon. I am just coming off of a 2 week flare. I felt so bad, I knew I needed to call the doctor but I didn't have the energy to do it.
I started my aquacise class last week. That always makes me feel better. I love the warm water!
loretta cowels
on 9/19/11 1:56 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
i am so sorry i to got on to say its been a bad weekend. i allready wasnt feeling well but then it started about 8am yesterday. my baby was really sick he was throwing up every were. i had to take him to the er. By time i got back home the poor guy was really sick. and i had to do lots of laundry about 10 loads when said and done. No sleep for two days witch always brings on pain head ache and nasuesa. any way my doctor lets me keep phyinagain on hand to help with the nausea but it also makes you really tired. I took one last night but still didnt get much sleep worrying about the baby. i hope you feel better soon its so hard because when they come on your just sooooooo tired
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