one year after surgery

on 4/6/15 9:27 am - Canada

hello everyone, it has been one year from my RNY surgery date and things are a little hard. At first my family was in board with my new way of life and everyone was helping me but now that help is gone. normally my mother would cook for me as I am at work during the day and unable to do so once I get home. She has started to revert back to her old ways of cooking everything in greases and frying all meals. it is becoming very hard for me to eat right when this is the only food available to me. does anyone have any suggestions as to meals that I can make on the weekend and freeze for the week. Also another problem I am having is that when I do make food for myself my other family members (sisters, nieces etc...) will eat my healthy food then wonder why I am eating the bad food. I need help as I want to stay on track with my weight loss. I am currently at 180 and I would like to reach my goal of 150 by my birthday (October). HELP!!!

on 4/6/15 10:22 am - Canada

I have turkey or chicken chili in my freezer as a stand by for the times when the others want something not so healthy. 

Referral: Feb. 14, 2013; Orientation: May 16, 2013: 1st RN/NUT/SW appt: May 28, 2013; 2nd RN/NUT/SW appt: July 31, 2013; Dr. Agarwal (internist): Aug. 6, 2013; Post Op Class: Nov. 25 2013; Dr. Reed: Dec. 17, 2013; Surgery: February 13,2014


on 4/6/15 1:45 pm

Could you get your own mini fridge or freezer and put a lock on it so others can't take it?  You could also have a locked box for non-perishables. Are you able to move out on your own? bottom line is you can't control what others do, only your own actions.  Best of luck to you, let us know what you decide.

on 4/6/15 5:49 pm

Hi Tiffany

You are going to have to take control of what goes in your mouth if you want to continue to lose and keep it off. 

I mean this kindly.  You cannot blame family or anyone else for what you eat.  Prepare your own meals and don't rely on others to keep you on track. 

If you "cant" cook when you come home from work then prepare meals in advance.  Purchase your own food and prepare on weekends and freeze in small containers. 

Your family is not responsible for your eating.  They should be able to eat what they desire and you must be personally responsible for what you eat.

Pick up a salad with chicken on the way home from work - grocery shop on your lunch hour or on the way home and purchase some yogurt - cheese string etc etc and as Zizzler indicated get a small fridge and put in your room.  fill it with friendly wls foods.

First and foremost - YOU are personally responsible for your eating - take control

good luck






Karen M.
on 4/6/15 8:32 pm, edited 4/6/15 8:32 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Every single word birdiegirl said.

Edited to add:

You asked for ideas of things you could cook in advance - crustless quiche (muffin tins for single serve, these freeze well), muffin tin single serve meatloaf, pot of chili portioned out and frozen, prep veggies (peel, slice, etc.) so you can grab and cook, deli meat/cheese/pickle roll-ups (don't freeze these), etc. Just about anything (protein forward/healthy) can be prepared in advance.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 4/6/15 10:25 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Totally right what both Birdie and Karen said.

This is YOUR journey, not theirs. I get you CAN'T cook after work and I am not here to judge or critique what your home life is or isn't, but you need to work out some time in your day/weekends off to cook and prepare for yourself.

Many people work, many HAVE to prepare meals not only for themselves but their families.

You CAN do this!

If you need food ideas, there are tons of them out there, including a great recipe forum here on OH.

Good luck and get cooking, you have done well so far, don't give up now! 

Annette 👍


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 4/6/15 10:53 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Try web sites like eggface for healthy ideas. If you have a crock pot you can prep things the night before and make everyone a healthy stew for the next day. Give your mom a break.





on 4/7/15 4:33 am - Arnprior, Canada

It is ultimately up to you to decide what you eat.  Some others have given you suggestions of what you can make ahead and freeze.  What about taking that one step further.  Take one day on the weekend, Sit down with those you eat with, and make a menu.  Take a day and you and your Mom (or whomever will help) can either make it to freeze, or have everything prepped so that it can just be thrown together that night (i.e. stirfry).

Rachel Ray has/had a program (I'm not home when it is/was on) where she would make a week's worth of meals in one day.  I don't remember the recipes to know how they fit with our lifestyle.  But that idea might help both you and your Mom out.  Make things easier for her to do as well as being a bit healthier.

I wish you well.




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