Fiday, How's your eating plan?

on 11/3/11 9:43 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning friends,

Sorry I didn't get back on yesterday, crazy busy day off. Why is that??? Sometimes I have more going on when I'm off work than when I'm there.....aggravating!

Anyway, here's yesterday:

protein coffee

Greek yogurt w/ LF, high protein granola

Kids' burger from burger king---yuck!

protein bar


2/3 cup tuna casserole, green beans

protein bar

Not the greatest day, too high in fat from the burger, but we all have days like that.


protein coffee

bkfst sandwich on double fiber, low calorie english muffin with eggbeaters


Mexican meatballs, rice and salad

protein bar


D---not sure, either tomato soup and grilled cheese (2%cheese, 1/2 sandwich) or maybe out with the Hubs.

Hope you all have a grand day!!!!



Laureen S.
on 11/3/11 10:12 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Susan. . .

Detoured yesterday as DIL called for me to have dinner with her and kids at the Silver Dollar Diner, which has some healthy choices, so for dinner I had Turkey Chili instead of my pork chops, oh and a vendor brought in some goodies yesterday and well I took a half of a cookie, which is not horrible as opposed to past transgressions, but still, a little here and a little there and that's where the pounds add up. . .so today I will try to stay on track.

B: eggbeater omlet (the other half of yesterday's), w/w everything bagel

S:  dannon light n fit yogurt

L:  My turkey chili with a little sprinkle of 75% cabot cheese and brown rice

S:  Laughing cow cheese wedges (2)

D:  Well since I'm going to my son's house this evening, no idea what I will be having, intention is to eat healthy

Have a good day!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/3/11 10:20 pm

Hey, quickly on my way out the door.

peach for breakfast

snack protein bar

lunch grilled chicken breast--1/2 of the breast

snack peanut butter 1 tbsp

dinner grilled sirloin I will eat about 3 oz, green beans about 1/2 cup, and 1/2 baked sweet potato

snack If I get to the store, banana if not apple


Connie D.
on 11/4/11 2:09 am
Good morning Susan!!   AHOY crew mates!!! 


B- High Protein Drink

S- 1/4 c. of grapes

L- 3 oz of pork roast, 3 baby carrots, and 1/4 of a small potato

D-Took my my grandchildren out to eat. We went to the "Hong Kong".
1/2 c. of beef and broccoli, chicken on a stick, 1/4 c. chicken and veggies. 1/2 of a fortune cookie

Only one piece of candy....definitely doing better!! I put the candy away. I am not seeing it every time I am in the kitchen!

 Total of 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Have a great day....HUGS....connie d

on 11/4/11 5:34 am - Cibolo, TX
G'day maties!

Well, yesterday for me just got shot all to hell.  I'm not even gonna try and list what I ate yesterday.  I can't remember half of it anyway.  I snacked on anything and everything in the house.  But it's over and done.  No looking back.  Just have to make better choices today, right?

B--oatmeal with a spoon of sf jam, fortified with protein powder and fiber
L--went out to lunch with a friend.  Had the insides only of a Chicken Caesar Wrap.  Didn't eat the wrap part, just the chicken.
S--Pro Jo protein drink
D--boiled shrimp, small boiled potato, some other veggie
S--red grapes with a wedge of brie cheese


annette R.
on 11/4/11 8:32 am - ithaca, NY
My day has been hectic, maybe a puppy day is a better choice. He had me running, not walking, RUNNING!!! Good exercise.

B - 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 3 tbsp berries, sprinle Kashi
L - 2 oz deli ham, green beans
D - peppers & onions and turkey sausage

s - apple & pb if I can stay awake.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
(deactivated member)
on 11/4/11 2:19 pm
 I am not doing so good about posting.  Inconsistent internet, and travelling has got me all turned around.   My eating is pretty good just need to find time to post.


Breakfast;    toast with peanut butter

snack :   banana

Lunch :   pasta with Marinara  small portion

snack :  granola

dinner:  1/2 Texas Burger's hamburger

That's it.
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