Sunday---what's your PLAN?

on 11/5/11 11:55 pm - Alexander, AR

My plan is to have no plan today. Yep, there it is, right out there for the world to see. We're going to a fundraiser for the AR School for the Deaf today, 30+ restaurants giving samples of their most yummiest dishes. Now, there will be plenty of things that I can't eat, but there will aslo be lots of things I can choose to have that are healthy. They serve the food in little 2oz cups with itty bitty spoons. Gee, maybe they mean for a bunch of WLS people to go there???  Just the right size servings.
Of course, we've been before and there are people who take trays like the ones used in cafeterias, and fill the tray with food.....and then go back for seconds, thirds and fourths. I will walk around the perimiter of the confrence center, check out what's there and make my decision. I'll choose ONE sweet treat among all of those possiblities, and enjoy every little spoonful.... and then be done.

Gee, looks like I have a plan after all!!!



Laureen S.
on 11/6/11 12:13 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Today I started my day with a healthy omlet, Tony offered me a piece of his french toast, I turned it down as I plan on having some leeway for later in the day as my roommate brought home some treats from a famous German bakery (apple puff pastry and pound cake), though she is taking most of it to her families she left two puffs for Tony and I and a small piece of pound cake, so my plan is to make all the right choices so that my indulging in that puff pastry will not result in guilty feelings. 

Rest of the day will revolve around upkeep of house and J E T S. . . 

Have a great day, enjoy your fundraiser!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 11/6/11 12:23 am
Ahoy Susan and all crew mates.....

Today I am going to do the best I can to leave that CANDY alone!!


B-High Protein drink
L-small chef salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette dressing
D-calico beans
S- one fresh homemade chocolate chip cookie (Nic made)
    3 or 4 pieces of taffy....UGH (throughout the day)

HUGS....connie d
on 11/6/11 1:19 am


have fun at the food tasting affair.  You will get small portions and all that exercise.  Go Susan Go!

Today:  No breakfast, jumped right to the snack: 1 banana.

Lunch will be a boiled egg--my pouch can barely handle one boiled egg.

S: protein bar

D: 3 oz steak--hubby and I split one steak--I take 2 or 3 oz and leave the rest on his plate.  I will also have about a cup of green beans.

S: Peanut butter and celery.  I use about two tsps on one stalk of celery and it is too yummy.  

That's my plan for the day and since I am going to be in my office working most of the day, I will have no problems sticking to it.  

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