Monday, the start of a new week/plan

on 12/12/11 4:05 am - Alexander, AR
Howdy Doodie Friends!

Gee.....does that sound crazy cheerful, or what??? It's my Sunday, so I guess I am pretty cheerio.

Anyway, today is the start of a brand new week, that much closer to Christmas and I'm not looking forward to all the crap that will be coming to the salon in the next two weeks. Fortunately, I'm really busy, so hopefully that will keep me on the straight and narrow. Yesterday's party/brunch went pretty well, I stuck pretty closely to my plan, had lots of protein, a weeeee bit of dessert, and yes, I had my bloody Mary!  Man, it was so good, but after about 1/2 I was loopy. The girls enjoy getting a glimpse of that side of me once a year, which is the only time I ever drink.

So, today:

protein coffee x 2

bkfst quesidilla

orange and a kid size Cliff bar

jambalaya, 6 crackers

not sure what the snack will be....

dinner?  Well............. Gary's decided to fast today, yup, not any food, jus****er and coffee. If that's what he wants to do, that's fine, not really an advocate of that, but he's gonna do what he's gonna do.   I'm going to eat things he won't, like roasted Brussels sprouts and kale salad. I'll show HIM!



on 12/12/11 9:06 am

OMG, they are serving breakfast, snacks, and lunch in my building.  Every single day, from now until school starts back up, the various businesses bring us food.  Gotta love the Business college.  Even with all the food, I was still good.  

B:  1/2 English Muffin

S: banana

L: chicken thigh, green beans, and some salad

S: Apple

D: Ham sandwich with only one slice of bread.

S: banana.  


Connie D.
on 12/12/11 10:04 am
Hi Susan...


B-Boost High Protein Drink
L-Boost   "          "          "
D-small amount of hamburger pie

S- 3 pretzel crackers with meds

Doing okay so far....HUGS....connie d
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