Rainy Tuesday

on 1/17/12 3:13 am - Cibolo, TX

You can't learn a new job without making some mistakes.  Just relax.  I've yet to see a mistake that can't be fixed. 

Eileen Briesch
on 1/17/12 2:13 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Pat and my OFF family:

Gloomy, rainy day here. I took my car to the Hyundai dealer early this morning and now I need a nap; didn't sleep well last night. But at least I didn't have to play anything for the problem. They said it was a thermostat and they would fix it for free, but they have to send away for the part.

Anyway, I need a nap. Just wanted to say hi. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 1/17/12 2:37 am - Danforth, ME

So glad that you didn't have to pay on the car repair.  I think things are going your way with this new job, new apartment and new area to live in.

Forgot to mention yesterday when I posted that if your brother is a veteran he should be looking at USAjobs.gov.  Government agencies are under an edict to hire veterans and they automatically get put to the top of hiring lists.  Just thought I'd pass that along.

Eileen Briesch
on 1/17/12 4:36 am - Evansville, IN
Nope, he's not a veteran. But thanks anyway.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 1/17/12 3:53 am - Jacksonville, NC
Good afternoon, ya'll.
Our DIL stopped by on her way to work. Boy were those dogs happy to see her!
Something must have spooked the youngest (biggest) dog when she went out first thing this AM. She will go to the door and bark, but I open the door and she won't go out. I tricked her by tossing a treat out, she went to get it, I shut the door, she immediately came to the door moaning and shaking to come in. I finally put her on her leash and took her out front to pee. There is a cat that lives behind us, maybe he scared poor Libby.
Our son and grandson came by for lunch ( son ) and breakfast (grandson ) at noon. Then it was nap time. Now they have taken the dogs and gone home. Grandson took my trash to the street. Glad of that since it is now raining.
Our grandson has this week off school. It is exam week, but he doesn't have any. If they have a certain GPA and no absences, they don't have to take the final exam. So him, our DIL, and other friends are going to visit the University that our grandson and the others are planning on attending next year. The grandson has a sports flyer and a video on you tube that shows his baseball skills. He is hoping to get an interview with the coach. He plans on attending there even if he doesn't get on the bb team. Our son couldn't get leave to go. He is bummed!
Connie, hang on girl! Things have GOT to get better and easier! Look at Eileen, she sounds so much happier at her new place and with her new job. I hope in a few months you will be sounding that happy!
Food addictions!!! It seems like everything is a trigger. My sleeve tweak helped. I can only eat a small amount at a time, but I don't feel full for very long. So I'm eating all day! My head is all wrong. If I weigh myself on Saturday and I have a loss, I feel like I have to 'reward' myself by eating! What the he** is wrong with my head! I need to lock myself in my room and have my meals slid under the door to me! I am working on it!
Prayers for everyone who is in need.
Have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


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